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Your Listening Personality: New features in Spotify Wrapped 2022 


Your listening personality

Spotify Wrapped probably knows you more than you do yourself. If you stream your music from Spotify, Wrapped knows your favorite musicians, the songs you play when the door is closed, and now, what your musical preferences say about your listening personality. The yearly event launched a new Listening Personality feature upon its return on Nov. 30. 


This feature collects all the components of your favorite tracks and blends them into a unique description of your musical preferences. But what determines which of the 16 categories you fit into and what makes up your Spotify Wrapped Listening Personality? Here is a summary of how the feature operates.


The appeal of the Wrapped experience has increased over time. Wrapped was accessible by about 30 million Spotify users in 2017. By 2018, that number had increased to more than 120 million. Additionally, there were about 60 million social media shares of Wrapped stories and cards in 2021.

Wrapped’s ability to personalize data for customers and show it in inventive ways has consumers more intrigued than simply the data itself. For instance, last year, Wrapped incorporated an “Audio Aura” that displayed listeners’ top two “moods” based on their listening habits.

The “Listening Personality” function presents a four-letter combination for the user that corresponds to one of the 16 personality types that Spotify has produced. This feature was obviously inspired by the traditional Myers-Brigg personality test and its four-letter codes. Based on the music they listen to and the manner they listen to it, the new Listening Personality function automatically categorizes users into one of 16 personality types. It resembles the Audio Aura from Wrapped from the previous year, but it’s far better.

To help you better understand your new personality type, here is how Spotify Wrapped identified each Listening Personality.


How Spotify Determines Your Listening Personality

There are four parameters that Spotify uses to assess each user’s personality traits. The four parameters include::

  • Familiarity (F) vs. Exploration (E)
  • Loyalty (L) vs. Variety (V)
  • Timelessness (T) vs. Newness (N)
  • Commonality (C) vs. Uniqueness (U)

So if your personality type was assigned a string of seemingly random letters, that is what they stand for. Adventurers are classified as ENVUs, Early Adopters as ENVCs, Deep Divers as FTVUs, and Devotees as FNLUs. Once more, it has strong Myers-Briggs characteristics.


What your assigned letters mean for your listening personality

knowing what the letters mean but not understanding how they affect your outcomes won’t really mean much to you.  For it to make sense,  Spotify must compare the measurements to identify which letters make up your personality and assign you an official personality type. For instance, Spotify considers whether you frequently return to your favorite artists (Familiarity) or enjoy trying out new music (Exploration) to decide whether your listening style corresponds to an F-type or an E-type.

In order to determine whether you are a true follower of your musical tastes or are all about variety, Spotify also considers whether you frequently return to the same songs or prefer to browse through a bigger music library.

In order to identify the other letters in your personality type, Spotify needs to know whether you listen to new music as soon as it is released (Newness), whether you prefer the oldies (Timelessness), and whether you prefer popular musicians or the underground. After taking everything into account, you have one of the 16 Listening Personality kinds listed below.


  • The Adventurer
  • The Early Adopter
  • The Deep Diver
  • The Devotee
  • The Replayer
  • The Connoisseur
  • The Maverick
  • The Fan Clubber
  • The Top Charter
  • The Enthusiast
  • The Time Traveler
  • The Musicologist
  • The Nomad
  • The Voyager
  • The Jukeboxer
  • The Specialist

But because so much goes into it, your final Listening Personality is really just the tip of the iceberg.


 Your personality type will be determined by a combination of the music you stream and a number of distinct characteristics, such as your likelihood of discovering new music, the average age of the songs you listen to, the variety of artists you enjoy, and how your listening relates to or deviates from others. Each of the 16 potential Listening Personalities is given a unique, vibrant card that you can use to send messages to friends or repost on social media.


What does Your Listening Personality Indicate?

How does your new personality type describe you? If you are eager to “go out into the unknown, searching for fresher artists, deeper cuts, and newer tunes” you are an adventurer on Spotify. But if you are the kind of listener that’s familiar with all the words to all the singles, deep cuts, live performances, and everything in between, Spotify identifies you as a devotee. Deep Divers, on the other hand, are listeners that go into the depths of their favorite artists’ tracklists.


Early Adopters make it a point of following the beat of new music and always seeking the next hot thing. The differences between the various categories lie within the letters that make up your Listening Personality. For example, there is a lot of crossover between the Fan Clubbers and the Devotees or the Specialists and the Deep Divers groups.


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