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¡You won’t believe what Jeep has done to help you survive!

  • Jeep realized a total revenue of US$42.0 billion worldwide, while the total market revenue amounted to US$1.8 trillion in 2021.

  • The largest passenger cars segment, SUVs, accounted for 92% of Jeep’s revenue in 2021.

  • In the market share by revenue category, Toyota (12.0%), Ford (7.3%) and Volkswagen (6.3%) take the lead worldwide. Jeep had a 2.33% market share.

In a groundbreaking move, MADE Mexico unveiled its revolutionary campaign for Jeep titled “Stay Alive Owner’s Manual.”

This campaign marks a significant milestone in the automotive industry by transforming the conventional idea of an owner’s manual into a unique, thrilling, and educational driving experience, with a primary focus on survival.

Yosu Arangüena, partner and co-founder of MADE, expressed enthusiasm about this innovative fusion of technology, creativity, and the passion for adventure. “Stay Alive Owner’s Manual represents a groundbreaking blend of technology, creativity, and a passion for adventure. We were delighted to collaborate with Jeep to bring forth this bold and revolutionary vision that redefines the vehicle owner’s experience. It is a testament to Jeep’s intrepid spirit and MADE’s ability to push the boundaries of creativity.”

With an illustrious 80-year legacy in off-road vehicles, Jeep has become synonymous with exploration of nature. However, every adventure carries the risk of getting lost, where access to drinkable water becomes crucial for survival. This concern is amplified in Mexico, where almost 70% of rivers, lakes, and bodies of water are contaminated.

Inspired by this, MADE transformed the user manuals of the new Jeep Wrangler into powerful water purifiers, offering a lifeline to countless drivers navigating through natural environments. “We transformed 146 user manuals of the new Jeep Wrangler into a survival tool. We reprinted the covers on a special filter paper and coated each one with copper nanoparticles. Each page had the capacity to filter up to 100 liters of water, eliminating 99.9% of bacteria. With this action, the brand provided Jeeperos the possibility of having drinkable water whenever and wherever they need it,” shared Cristian Rocha, Co-founder, and CCO.

The campaign concludes with a survival mantra: “It may not taste good, but it could save your life!” In just three simple steps – cut, fold, and filter – this campaign not only showcased the remarkable synergy between MADE Mexico and Jeep but also reflected the commitment of both companies to contribute real and, above all, sustainable solutions. Jeep’s Water Filter campaign goes beyond the realm of marketing; it’s a testament to the power of creativity harnessed for practical and life-saving innovations.




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