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WPP was today named in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

WPP’s inclusion in this year’s index acknowledges the company’s continued implementation of best-in-class.

The 2023 GEI represents companies from 45 countries and regions, measuring gender equality across five pillars: leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies, and external brand. WPP’s inclusion in this year’s index acknowledges the company’s continued implementation of best-in-class policy development and data reporting against a global threshold established by Bloomberg.

Mark Read, CEO of WPP, said: “Nurturing diverse and inclusive workplaces not only creates an environment where our people feel supported to grow their careers and be innovative, it benefits our client and partners too. We want WPP to be the employer of choice for all, and I’m proud of our inclusion as a Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index industry leader for our ongoing focus on improving gender equality in the workplace.” Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of Bloomberg and Founding Chairman of the U.S. 30% Club said: “Congratulations to the companies that are included in the 2023 GEI. We continue to see an increase in both interest and membership globally, reflecting a shared goal of transparency in gender-related metrics.”

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