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WPP Unleashes VML: A Global Creative Powerhouse Forges as Wunderman Thompson and VMLY&R Merge

WPP has marked a groundbreaking evolution in its client offerings by merging two creative giants, Wunderman Thompson and VMLY&R. The amalgamated agency is rebranded as VML, poised to become the world’s largest creative company, seamlessly combining brand experience, client experience, and commerce.

This monumental move represents a marriage of two of the world’s most awarded creative agencies, each boasting top-tier capabilities in Commerce, Client Experience, and Marketing Technology. VML is geared to support clients in brand growth strategies and creative transformation initiatives, backed by top-notch data operations, technological platforms, and collaborations with leading tech enterprises. The agency will also present an exceptional proposition for Health Care and B2B.

The client base, functional expertise, and geographic strengths of both agencies make them highly complementary. The combined entity will comprise over 30,000 professionals across 64 markets.

Key Appointments:

  • Jon Cook: Global CEO of VML
  • Mel Edwards: Global President of VML

“The future of building strong brands and businesses requires the interconnection of brand experience, client experience, and commerce,” said Jon Cook, Global CEO. “We recognized the immediate opportunity to create what all consultancies and advertising agencies aspire to build with the formation of VML. We are especially excited to introduce our new offering to the industry, as we believe there is no other creatively acclaimed company with our depth in client experience and commerce.”

Mel Edwards, Global President, expressed her enthusiasm: “These are the right capabilities offered at the right time, at an unprecedented scale. It’s exciting because with this new agency, we have the opportunity to shape the future of modern marketing in every key market worldwide. The opportunities it offers to our people and the growth we can provide to our clients on a global scale make this a true game-changer for every business and the industry at large.”

Wunderman Thompson and VMLY&R, launched in 2018, have experienced sustained growth since their inception. Recognized globally for their creativity and capabilities, this merger comes after both agencies received industry accolades and rankings.

Mark Read, CEO of WPP, stated: “VML will combine top-notch creativity with deep expertise in data, marketing technology, and platforms to offer a competitive edge to ambitious brands. It’s another significant step for WPP as we continue to reshape our offering for the future, simplifying our business and unlocking more scale benefits.”

Immediate Leadership Appointments Include:

  • Debbi Vandeven: Global Chief Creative Officer
  • Eric Campbell: Global Client Officer
  • Juan Pablo Jurado: CEO for Latin America
  • Ewen Sturgeon: CEO for Europe, Middle East, and Africa
  • Audrey Kuah and Yi-Chung Tay: Co-CEOs for Asia-Pacific

VML, operational from January 1, 2024, aims to redefine creative possibilities and client engagement on a global scale. The merger stands as a testament to WPP’s commitment to delivering innovative solutions and staying at the forefront of the evolving marketing landscape.


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