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WPP strengthens global healthcare presence with acquisition of German specialist 3K Communication

Frankfurt-based 3K will join WPP’s Hill+Knowlton Strategies, advancing the company’s growth in the global healthcare sector

WPP, the global communications company, has announced its acquisition of 3K Agentur für Kommunikation (3K), a leading healthcare specialist public relations agency in Germany. Based in Frankfurt, 3K is known for its expertise in healthcare, biopharmaceuticals, and related sciences. The acquisition is in line with WPP’s strategic focus on healthcare and marks the company’s continued investment in Germany. 3K will become part of WPP’s Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K) global network, strengthening its healthcare presence in Europe and expanding its operations in Germany.

Founded 25 years ago, 3K has worked with some of the world’s most notable global pharmaceutical companies, consumer health brands, and local biotech start-ups. The addition of 3K to H+K’s growing portfolio aligns with the agency’s ongoing transformation, having grown more than 25% over the last two years. This includes expanding its global leadership team and acquiring the JeffreyGroup in Latin America. Brenna Terry was recently appointed Global Chair of Healthcare, and the addition of 3K will strengthen H+K’s international capability in healthcare.

Ruth Bastuck, Founder and Managing Director of 3K, expressed her excitement about the acquisition, stating that “we could not have found a better fit, culturally, strategically, or operationally.” She is equally excited about the future of healthcare and the opportunities that will arise from the collaboration between 3K and H+K. Mark Read, CEO of WPP, also shared his excitement, stating that “the addition of 3K to Hill+Knowlton’s growing portfolio further strengthens WPP’s global healthcare offer to clients.”

The acquisition of 3K is the latest milestone in WPP’s accelerated growth strategy, which includes a focused M&A approach to build on the company’s core capabilities. WPP has made several acquisitions in the last six months alone, including FÄ“nom Digital, Diff, Passport, Newcraft, and Corebiz. Germany is WPP’s third-largest market, and the acquisition of 3K demonstrates the company’s commitment to expanding its presence in the region.

In conclusion, WPP’s acquisition of 3K demonstrates the company’s strategic focus on healthcare and its commitment to expanding its presence in Germany. The addition of 3K to H+K’s growing portfolio will strengthen the agency’s international capability in healthcare and provide many exciting new opportunities for both clients and employees. The acquisition is also part of WPP’s accelerated growth strategy and focused M&A approach to build on the company’s core capabilities.

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