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WPP Appoints Philip Jansen as Non-Executive Chair of the Board

WPP, a leading global creative transformation company, has appointed Philip Jansen as a Non-Executive Director and Chair-designate of its Board. Jansen will join the Board on September 16, 2024, and will assume the role of Non-Executive Chair on January 1, 2025, succeeding Roberto Quarta.

A Distinguished Career

Philip Jansen brings a wealth of experience from his tenure as Chief Executive of BT Group from 2019 to February 2024. Before that, he was the CEO of Worldpay, where he led the company through the UK’s largest fintech IPO and its merger with Vantiv, forming the world’s largest payments processor. His career also includes leadership roles at Brakes Group and Sodexo Group and marketing positions at Procter & Gamble, Dunlop Slazenger, and Telewest.

At BT Group, Jansen oversaw significant modernization and simplification strategies, steering the global telecommunications provider through a period of technological transformation. His efforts at Worldpay included overhauling the company’s technology infrastructure and investing in data analytics and cybersecurity, culminating in a robust global presence across 146 countries.

WPP Philip Jansen: Leadership for a Transformative Era

Angela Ahrendts, Senior Independent Director of WPP, emphasized the value Jansen brings: “Philip has led technology and consumer goods companies through significant transformations. As a former marketer, he understands our business and its future opportunities. We are delighted he is joining WPP.”

Jansen enthusiastically said, “Technology is reshaping commerce, media, and communications. I am excited to join a company at the forefront of this change and look forward to supporting the leadership team as we continue to transform WPP.”

Mark Read, CEO of WPP, praised Quarta’s contributions: “Roberto has been instrumental during his nine years with WPP, guiding us through challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic and helping reshape our portfolio. Philip’s insight into marketing and technology makes him a perfect fit for WPP’s future.”

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