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Why is Children’s Day celebrated on April 30 in Mexico?

happy Children's Day 2024 mexico
Children's Day is celebrated in Mexico on April 30 of each year. This date was chosen to honor and recognize the rights of boys and girls throughout the country.

April 30th is a special date for children in Mexico, marking the celebration of Children’s Day. The tradition originated in the city of Tantoyuca, Veracruz, in 1916, initially setting May 8th as the date to honor children.

However, in 1924, President Álvaro Obregón signed an international agreement recognizing children’s rights worldwide, prompting the shift of this date to April 30th.

Later, in 1959, the United Nations approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which includes ten principles. As a result, November 20th was adopted as Universal Children’s Day.

Despite Universal Children’s Day being on November 20th, Mexico chose to retain the celebration on April 30th as it coincides with the anniversary of the start of the Mexican Revolution.

Children’s Rights

The Political Constitution of the Mexican United States, in its Article 4, stipulates that “Children have the right to the satisfaction of their needs for food, health, education, and healthy recreation for their comprehensive development.”

To uphold these rights, the same article mandates that “Parents, guardians, and custodians have the duty to preserve these rights and that the state will provide facilities to private individuals to assist in fulfilling the rights of children.”

Is there children’s day in America?

In the United States, there isn’t a federal holiday specifically known as “Children’s Day.” However, various states and organizations may celebrate children on different days. For example, the second Sunday in June is designated as “Children’s Day” in some places, but it’s not widely recognized or celebrated across the entire country like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.

Children’s Day in Other Countries

Children’s Day is celebrated on various dates across different nations. Here are some of them:

  • Albania → July 1
  • Germany → September 20
  • Angola → June 1
  • Argentina → Third Sunday of August
  • Australia → Fourth Wednesday of October
  • Belgium → April 14
  • Bolivia → April 12
  • Brazil → October 12
  • Bulgaria → June 1
  • Chile → August 11
  • China → June 1
  • Colombia → Last Saturday of April
  • South Korea → May 5
  • Costa Rica → September 9
  • Cuba → July 1
  • Ecuador → June 1
  • El Salvador → October 1
  • Slovakia → June 1
  • Spain → April 15
  • United States → Second Sunday of June
  • Finland → November 20
  • France → June 1
  • Guatemala → October 1
  • Honduras → September 10
  • Hungary → Last Sunday of May
  • Japan → May 5
  • Mexico → April 30
  • Nicaragua → June 1
  • Paraguay → August 16
  • Panama → Third Sunday of July
  • Peru → Third Sunday of August
  • Poland → June 1
  • Portugal → June 1
  • Puerto Rico → Second Sunday of August
  • Dominican Republic → September 29
  • Czech Republic → June 1
  • Romania → June 1
  • Russia → June 1
  • South Africa → June 16
  • Sweden → First Monday of October
  • Turkey → April 23
  • Tunisia → January 11
  • Ukraine → June 1
  • Uruguay → Second Sunday of August.

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