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Who was Daniel Bisogno and what did the Mexican journalist die of?

Daniel Bisogno was a theater actor and host of Ventaneando, the main entertainment program on Mexican television


Daniel Bisogno, host of Ventaneando and theater actor, passed away at the age of 51. His death has caused great shock among his followers and colleagues, who had been closely following his health condition for months.

What was the cause of Daniel Bisogno’s death?

The news of Daniel Bisogno’s passing was confirmed by Ventaneando through its social media accounts. The host suffered from various health complications that worsened after undergoing a liver transplant in 2024. Since then, his condition remained delicate, with multiple hospitalizations due to recurring infections and other liver-related issues.

In recent months, the presenter had been admitted to intensive care, and according to revelations from his friend and colleague Pati Chapoy, he had to be intubated due to a severe lung infection. Ultimately, multiple organ failure ended his life.

Who was Daniel Bisogno?

Daniel Bisogno was born on May 19, 1973. From a young age, he showed interest in the entertainment industry. He studied at Televisa’s Centro de Educación Artística (CEA), which allowed him to enter the acting world. However, it was in 1997 that his career took an unexpected turn when he joined the Ventaneando team, where his irreverent style and critical commentary made him a controversial yet beloved figure on Mexican television.

Besides his role as a host, Daniel also participated in theatrical productions such as El Tenorio Cómico and Lagunilla mi barrio. His character “La Güera Limantour” became one of the most iconic in his stage performances.

How was Daniel Bisogno’s health in recent years?

Daniel Bisogno’s health problems began several years ago but worsened in 2023 when he was hospitalized due to internal bleeding caused by the rupture of esophageal varices. Later, in February 2024, he suffered a severe lung infection that left him in intensive care for several weeks.

In September 2024, Daniel underwent a liver transplant due to severe liver damage. Although the surgery was successful, he faced multiple postoperative complications that led to several hospital readmissions.

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Daniel Bisogno’s family

Daniel Bisogno had a very close relationship with his daughter Michaela, born from his marriage to Cristina Riva Palacio. Despite their divorce in 2019, Bisogno maintained a cordial relationship with his ex-wife.

The host faced the loss of his mother, Doña Araceli, in 2024. He is survived by his father, Concepción Bisogno, known as Don Concho, and his siblings, Alex Bisogno, who is also in the entertainment industry, and Ivette.


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