Who is who in ‘Zero Day’, the new Netflix series?

Day Zero, the new Netflix miniseries, was filmed in 2023 in New York and features several actors that you will surely recognize
Who is who in 'Zero Day', the new Netflix series?
Photo: Netflix

It’s finally here! This Thursday, February 20, the much-anticipated Netflix series ‘Zero Day’ premiered, a production starring Robert De Niro and created by Eric Newman that will keep you glued to your couch the whole time.

This new production by the streaming giant was filmed in 2023 in New York and features several actors that you will surely recognize. But what role does each of them play? Here’s everything you need to know so you don’t miss any details. Take note!

‘Zero Day’: Who is who?

Below is a list of the main characters and the actors who bring them to life:

Robert De Niro as George Mullen

The renowned actor Robert De Niro, a two-time Oscar winner, plays George Mullen, a former U.S. president called in to head the Zero Day Commission, tasked with investigating a global cyberattack that has already caused the deaths of thousands of people.

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Lizzy Caplan as Alexandra Mullen

Lizzy Caplan, known for movies like Mean Girls, now joins Zero Day to play Alexandra Mullen, George Mullen’s daughter and a congresswoman from New York.

Jesse Plemons as Roger Carlson

The American actor, known for productions like Breaking Bad, plays the former assistant to George Mullen, who now works with him again to help investigate the cyberattack.

Connie Britton as Valerie Whitesell

The actress plays Valerie Whitesell, former chief of staff to George Mullen. She returns with her former boss to supervise the plan to investigate the global cyberattack.

Joan Allen as Sheila Mullen

She plays the former first lady of the United States and candidate for a federal position.

Matthew Modine as Richard Dreyer

The American actor and director, famous for productions like Stranger Things and Oppenheimer, now plays the Speaker of the House of Representatives and George Mullen’s rival.

Angela Bassett as Evelyn Mitchell

The actress, film director, and producer, who has won two Oscars and two Golden Globes, joins this Netflix miniseries to play Evelyn Mitchell, the current President of the United States, who leads the strategy to investigate the cyberattack.

Dan Stevens as Evan Green

The British actor plays Evan Green, a calculating and popular political TV presenter who becomes a critic of George Mullen’s work.

Other actors who also appear in the new Netflix miniseries include:

  • Cuyle Carvin as Agent Tom McCarthy
  • Bill Camp as CIA Director Lasch
  • McKinley Belcher III as Carl Otieno
  • Clark Gregg as Robert Lyndon
  • Gaby Hoffmann as Monica Kidder

What is ‘Zero Day’ about?

Robert De Niro plays George Mullen, a respected former U.S. president tasked with investigating a lethal cyberattack. Throughout the intense episodes, his search for the truth is threatened by personal demons that jeopardize his perception of reality.

Misinformation runs rampant as the ambitions of powerful figures in the tech sector, Wall Street, and the government collide. Mullen’s unyielding determination to uncover the truth leads him to confront his own dark secrets, risking everything he holds dear.

Mullen, a vestige of a bipartisan era, remains a figure trusted by both sides, even as he begins to doubt whether what he’s seeing and hearing is real.

How many episodes does ‘Zero Day’ have?

The first season of Zero Day consists of six episodes.

Netflix Releases in 2025

Last month, Netflix revealed the movie and series premieres it will have throughout this year, including some highly anticipated titles. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Stranger Things
  • Merlina
  • Squid Game Season 3
  • Frankenstein
  • RIP
  • The Four Seasons of Tina Fey
  • Death By Lightning
  • The Beast in Me


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