Who is Osiel Cárdenas? Former Gulf Cartel leader deported to Mexico

The United States deported Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, former leader of the Gulf Cartel, to Mexico on Monday, as reported the ICE

Who is Osiel Cárdenas? Former Gulf Cartel leader deported to Mexico

The United States deported Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, former leader of the Gulf Cartel, to Mexico on Monday, as reported by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a statement. According to ICE, Cárdenas Guillén was transferred to Mexico, where he faces charges of homicide and illegal possession of firearms.

The drug lord was held in the United States Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana, before being moved to the Otay Mesa Detention Center in California. From there, he was escorted to the San Diego port of entry, where he was handed over to Mexican authorities without incident.

Samuel Olson, Director of the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Chicago, emphasized that the operation was carried out with full coordination and effectiveness between ICE offices in Chicago, San Diego, Harlingen, Mexico City, and the International Operations Division.

Olson added that Cárdenas Guillén’s repatriation to Mexico, where he faces serious accusations, represents a significant step in protecting communities and ensuring the rule of law.

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Who is Osiel Cárdenas?

Osiel Cárdenas Guillén was born on May 18, 1967, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, into a low-income family. Throughout his youth, he worked various jobs, including as a mechanic’s assistant, waiter, and employee at a maquiladora factory.

At the age of 19, he became involved in the drug trade, selling cocaine under the aliases “El Patrón”, “Padrino”, “Memo”, and “El Viejón”. He was arrested several times in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, for various crimes, and also in Brownsville, Texas, where he faced drug trafficking charges.

In 1993, after being arrested in the United States, Cárdenas was sentenced to five years in prison for cocaine trafficking. Upon his release from prison in Matamoros, he joined the Federal Judicial Police, where he quickly established ties with the leaders of the Gulf Cartel (CDG). This connection allowed him to replace Juan García Abrego as the head of the criminal organization.

As he rose to power, Cárdenas Guillén ordered Arturo Guzmán Decena, a former Mexican Army Special Forces officer, to form a protection detail for him. This group, known as “Los Zetas”, was created as his armed wing, with Guzmán Decena designated as “Z-1”.

The nickname “El Mata Amigos” was given to Cárdenas Guillén after he ordered the murder of Salvador Gómez Herrera, who had been his ally and leader of the Gulf Cartel at the time.

Age of Osiel Cárdenas

The kingpin, one of the most powerful and feared criminals in Mexico, is currently 57 years old.

Osiel Cárdenas Guillén’s Criminal History in the United States

On August 27, 1992, Osiel Cárdenas Guillén entered the United States through Brownsville, Texas, using a border-crossing card that allowed him to stay temporarily within 25 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. However, that same day, he was arrested for possessing approximately two kilograms of cocaine with the intent to distribute. He was taken to the Cameron County Detention Center.

On December 23, 1993, Cárdenas was handed over to Mexican authorities, under the U.S.-Mexico Treaty on the Execution of Penal Sentences. Later, on January 19, 2007, he was extradited back to the United States to face trial in the Southern District of Texas. At that time, U.S. Customs and Border Protection granted him conditional release at the Houston port of entry, under the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service. During this period, Cárdenas was transferred to the Federal Correctional Facility La Tuna in Anthony, Texas.

On March 3, 2010, a federal court in Houston convicted Cárdenas of conspiracy to possess and distribute over five kilograms of cocaine and over one thousand kilograms of marijuana, as well as conspiracy to launder money and threatening to kill a federal agent. As a result, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison at the USP Terre Haute facility. This case was investigated by Homeland Security Investigations of the Rio Grande Valley in collaboration with other federal and local law enforcement agencies.

On February 16, 2022, the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) of Chicago located Cárdenas at USP Terre Haute and implemented an immigration hold order. Later, on July 3, 2022, the ERO in Mexico City notified Chicago that Cárdenas had several active arrest warrants in Mexico.

On August 5, 2022, the ERO in Chicago notified Cárdenas of its intention to issue a final administrative removal order due to the serious federal convictions and aggravating factors in his case. Finally, on December 16, 2024, Cárdenas was deported to Mexico.

Who is Osiel Cárdenas’ son?

Osiel Cárdenas Jr., 32 years old and born in Brownsville, is the son of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén. In 2022, he was arrested and pleaded guilty to attempting to purchase 10 assault rifles to export from the United States to Mexico.



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