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When do Star Wars Oreo cookies go on sale? Release date

The limited edition Star Wars Oreos come in two versions, each representing different sides of the Force

Star Wars enthusiasts are in for a treat as Oreo has unveiled a special edition of their beloved cookies inspired by the iconic sci-fi saga.

The limited edition Star Wars Oreos come in two versions, each representing different sides of the Force. However, there’s a twist: both sets have identical packaging, so fans won’t know whether they’ve embraced the dark side or the light side until they open the container.

The Packaging: A Nod to Star Wars History

The packaging is a homage to the rich history and fan base of the Star Wars series.

Featuring illustrations of beloved characters around a massive Oreo, complete with red and blue Lightsabers, the artwork is hand-painted by Greg Hildebrandt, a renowned Star Wars poster artist since 1977.

The package, adorned with the Star Wars and Oreo logos, reads, “Dark Side or Light Side Open to Discover Your Destiny.”

Inside the Packaging: A Battle of the Sides

Each cookie in the pack is embossed with one of 20 different Star Wars characters. The dark side pack features cookie sandwiches filled with red cream, while the light side cookies have blue cream filling.

Both versions boast “kyber” sugar crystals in each bite, inspired by the crystals found in a Lightsaber.

The character selection also differs between the two sides, with dark side cookies featuring Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and stormtroopers, while light side cookies showcase Luke Skywalker, Yoda, and Princess Leia. There are 10 distinct characters in each pack.

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Celebrity Endorsement and Teasers

Frozen actor and Star Wars superfan Josh Gad has partnered with Oreo to tease the special-release cookies. In a video shared on Oreo’s Instagram on May 4 (Star Wars Day), Gad humorously compares the Millennium Falcon to a cookie, adding to the excitement around the release.

Release Date and Availability

The limited-time Star Wars Oreo packs will be available for presale online starting May 30. Fans can get their hands on these galactic treats at retailers nationwide from June 10.

A Tradition of Themed Cookies

This isn’t the first time Oreo has partnered with a major franchise. In 2023, Oreo released Super Mario-themed cookies, featuring heroes and villains from the Nintendo universe. The collaboration included 16 different designs with classic characters like Mario and Luigi, as well as famous villains like Bowser Jr. and the Goombas.

With the Star Wars Oreos, fans have another exciting collectible to look forward to, blending the magic of the Star Wars universe with the deliciousness of Oreo cookies.



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