What really happened to Rick Harrison’s son, Adam? Businessman speaks out about his death

Since his son's death, Rick Harrison hasn't spoken openly about what happened. Now, he's revealed how he's grieving

What really happened to Rick Harrison's son, Adam? Businessman speaks out about his death

In 2024, the tragic news of the death of Adam, the son of Rick Harrison, host of the History Channel show “Pawn Stars,” was revealed. Just over a year later, the renowned businessman shared how he has been coping with the pain of his loss.

What happened to Adam Harrison?

Rick Harrison’s son passed away in January 2024 at the age of 39 due to a fentanyl overdose. Adam had been struggling for years with a drug addiction, particularly to fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine.

Who was Adam Harrison?

Adam was Rick Harrison’s second son, born from his first marriage to Kim. Not much is known about his personal life, as he preferred to stay out of the public eye, but it is rumored that he worked as a plumber.

What did Rick Harrison say about the death of his son Adam?

Since his son’s death, Rick had not spoken openly about what happened. Now, he shared how he experienced the process of Adam’s battle with drugs and the mourning that affected his entire family.

In an interview for the show In Depth with Graham Bensinger, the businessman and host revealed that Adam had several relapses, and despite Rick doing everything he could to help him overcome his drug addiction, his efforts were not enough.

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“I think about him every day. When he was in his twenties, he had problems with drugs. My God, I put him in rehab so many times. He’d come out great and then he’d go right back down. It got so much worse. Apparently, it wasn’t heroin. He ended up using fentanyl and that killed him,” he recalled.

He also mentioned that he questioned himself many times about everything he could have done to prevent his son’s death.

“When you lose a child, in the circumstances I went through, you doubt everything. You ask yourself: Could I have done something different? What if I had locked him in my truck and driven him to Oregon where he couldn’t get drugs? A thousand things run through your head. There’s nothing worse than losing a child,” he said.

Just over a year after his son’s death, Rick noted that he has chosen to hold onto the beautiful memories he has of his son, as well as strengthen his bonds with his other sons and his four grandchildren.

Who is Rick Harrison?

Richard Kevin Harrison, known as Rick Harrison, was born on March 22, 1965, in North Carolina, USA. He is the son of Richard “Old Man” Harrison and the father of Corey Harrison. Along with his family, he owns the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Rick is famous for his business acumen and his ability to evaluate items and negotiate prices. Along with Chumlee, whose real name is Austin Russell, he has been a key figure in the success of the show Pawn Stars, which, with more than 20 seasons, remains a cultural phenomenon.

In addition to his business role, Rick is an avid collector, a passion that is reflected on the show. His love for books is evident, and he has acquired valuable collections, such as a book he bought in Italy for $100,000.

How many sons does Rick Harrison have?

The famous businessman has three sons. Two are from his first marriage, and the third is from his second marriage:

  • Richard Corey Harrison, the oldest sibling
  • Adam Harrison, who passed away from an overdose
  • Jake Harrison, the youngest sibling


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