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What is Grandma Mcflurry? The new flavor of McDonald’s

The Grandma McFlurry combines McDonald's creamy vanilla soft serve with a delicious syrup and crunchy candy pieces

McDonald’s has always been a place where cherished memories are made, often with the loving presence of our grandmothers. From spontaneous soft serves to breaking the rules by having dessert first, grandmas have a special way of making us feel loved. Now, McDonald’s is turning the tables and celebrating grandmas with their newest treat – the Grandma McFlurry.

The Grandma McFlurry combines McDonald’s creamy vanilla soft serve with a delicious syrup and crunchy candy pieces, reminiscent of the treats grandma used to hide in her purse.

“Grandmas have always held a special place in our hearts, and today they’re having a major moment influencing culture – inspiring trends in fashion, decor, and now, even food with our newest McFlurry”, said Tariq Hassan, Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer at McDonald’s.

“The Grandma McFlurry tastes like a trip down memory lane, and we’re excited to give our fans that experience while honoring the grandma-figure in all our lives”.

Release date

Available starting May 21 for a limited time, this new McFlurry promises to be as sweet and delightful as the grandmas we adore.

Connecting Generations

To celebrate the launch of the Grandma McFlurry, McDonald’s is offering fans a unique way to connect with their grandmothers. Music, with its timeless appeal, has been chosen to bridge the generational gap. McDonald’s is partnering with breakout artists Remi Wolf and Jay Wheeler to reimagine classic songs. Remi Wolf will cover “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You),” while Jay Wheeler will put a fresh spin on the iconic Latin song “Piel Canela.” These tracks will be available on all music platforms starting May 21.

Grandma’s McFlurry Mobile: A Rolling Celebration

Kicking off the celebration, McDonald’s will roll out Grandma’s McFlurry Mobile – a modern twist on the classic ice cream truck. This special mobile will offer a free first taste of the Grandma McFlurry before it hits the restaurants. The ice cream truck will tour New York City, making stops at senior centers and assisted living homes to foster moments of connection between grandparents and their families.

Grandma McFlurry

Catch the Grandma McFlurry Mobile at These NYC Locations:

  • Friday, May 17: 1 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST at Herald Square (104 W 35th St, New York, NY 10018)
  • Saturday, May 18: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. at senior centers and assisted living homes in East Harlem; 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. in Flushing.

In addition, McDonald’s will make a donation to Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, a national organization dedicated to supporting older adults experiencing isolation and loneliness.

Celebrate Grandma with McDonald’s

Whether she is your Grams, Abuela, Oma, Lola, Halmoni, or Yiayia, McDonald’s invites you to recreate some of your favorite memories with the new Grandma McFlurry starting May 21. Don’t miss out on this sweet opportunity to celebrate the special grandma-figure in your life while supplies last.

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