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What does Carlos Slim HelĂș own? List of the companies of the richest man in Mexico

Carlos Slim HelĂș's business consortium includes some of the Mexican brands and companies best known by consumers

carlos slim helĂș 2025

The Mexican businessman Carlos Slim HelĂș is one of the most influential figures in the business world. With a presence in 49 countries and more than 359,000 employees, his companies span various sectors, from telecommunications to infrastructure, banking, and retail.

In his annual press conference, which lasted nearly four hours, Engineer Slim, accompanied by Arturo ElĂ­as Ayub and other members of Grupo Carso, spoke about his business portfolio, the investments he has made since 1955, and the economic impact of his companies.

Carlos Slim HelĂș’s business consortium includes some of the most well-known Mexican brands and companies among consumers.

What are Carlos Slim’s main companies?

América Móvil (Telecommunications)

Since 1990, América Móvil has been one of the leading telecommunications companies. Its portfolio includes:

  • Telcel
  • Telmex
  • Claro
  • A1

It has more than 178,679 employees and operates in countries such as Brazil (315.8 million wireless lines), Mexico (88.3 million), Colombia (84.2 million), and various regions in Europe.

Grupo Carso (Industrial and Commercial Conglomerate)

Founded in 1966, Grupo Carso encompasses various industries:

  • Carso Energy (energy sector)
  • Condumex (electrical materials and telecommunications)
  • Elementia Materiales (cement and construction materials)

Grupo Sanborns (retail and entertainment), which includes:

  • Sears (96 stores in Mexico)
  • Sanborns (203 stores)
  • Promotora Musical – Mix Up and iShop (152 units)

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Inmuebles Carso, specializing in real estate

This conglomerate employs more than 90,533 people.

Grupo Financiero Inbursa (Banking and Finance)

Operating since 1965, it has 10,093 employees and 630 branches. Grupo Financiero Inbursa has grown in the financial sector with:

  • Loan portfolio: $22.975 billion
  • Clients: 13 million
  • Assets under management: $113.887 billion
  • Credit cards: 1.5 million
  • Monthly digital transactions: 64.1 million

Telesites and SITES LATAM (Telecommunications Infrastructure)

These companies, founded in 2015 and 2022, respectively, specialize in installing and managing telecommunications towers:

  • Telesites: 24,115 towers, 294 employees
  • SITES LATAM: 36,661 towers, 423 employees
  • EuroTelesites: 13,568 towers, 165 employees
  • 5. FCC (Infrastructure and Construction)

Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC)

It has 71,371 employees and operates in:

  • FCC ConstrucciĂłn
  • FCC Medio Ambiente
  • FCC Inmobiliaria
  • Aqualia (water management)

Minera Frisco (Mining and Metal Extraction)

With 3,142 employees, this company produces:

  • Gold: 66,000 ounces annually
  • Silver: 4,719,000 ounces annually
  • Copper: 21,000 tons annually

How did Carlos Slim HelĂș start his business empire?

Carlos Slim HelĂș stated that in 1955, he started his business with a $500 investment. In 1965, the group began expanding by purchasing the Jarritos soft drink brand.

During the press conference, the Grupo Carso leader provided a historical overview of some of the companies and brands he invested in during his early years, including:

  • Galas MĂ©xico: A leading company in calendar sales and cigarette pack manufacturing.
  • Cigarrera La Moderna: A cigarette producer that, in partnership with Philip Morris, manufactured Marlboro cigarettes in Mexico.
  • Bancomer acquisition: During the privatization of the banking sector in the 1980s, he acquired a stake for $58 million.
  • Sanborns: “That one was expensive,” Slim said during his conference, recalling the purchase of the store chain, which then had 30 branches; today, there are 140.
  • Loreto y Peña Pobre: Acquired for $1.5 million in the 1980s.
  • Alumex: Purchased for just over $600,000.
  • Telmex: “It was worth $172 million when we acquired it,” he mentioned.

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How many jobs do Carlos Slim’s companies generate?

Carlos Slim’s companies generate more than 359,000 direct jobs in 49 countries, making him one of the most important entrepreneurs worldwide. His participation in strategic sectors such as telecommunications, infrastructure, and banking has driven economic development in various regions.

What does Carso mean?

The name “Carso” is a combination of the first syllables of Carlos and Soumaya, in honor of his late wife, Soumaya Domit Gemayel, who passed away in 1999.


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