Wendy’s is offering free Frosty Thin Mints! Here’s how to get yours

Wendy’s, the popular fast food chain, celebrates National Girl Scout Day with a surprise for all its customers

Wendy's is offering free Frosty Thin Mints! Here's how to get yours

The National Girl Scouts Day is approaching, and Wendy’s has prepared a surprise to celebrate this important date with all its customers. The popular fast food chain will be giving away small Thin Mints Frosty cookies! Here’s how you can get yours. Take note!

When will Wendy’s give away Thin Mints Frosty cookies?

The promotion will be available only on Wednesday, March 12, 2025.

How can you get a free Thin Mints Frosty at Wendy’s?

According to the company, the offer will be valid for customers who make a purchase through the official Wendy’s app or online on Wendy’s website. After making your purchase, you can redeem your free Thin Mints Frosty at participating locations.

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What is Wendy’s Thin Mints Frosty?

The Thin Mints Frosty is a delicious dessert that combines the classic Frosty flavor with the irresistible taste of Girl ScoutsThin Mints cookies. It stands out for its unique flavor, inspired by the cookies, with a crispy layer reminiscent of cookie butter flavor, combined with chocolate and mint flavor and the cool, creamy texture of a Frosty.

This special edition of Frosty, available for a limited time at all locations across the country, comes with either a chocolate or vanilla ice cream base, depending on your preference.

Girl Scouts of the USA Cookie Flavors 2025

This year, the Girl Scouts cookie season offers a wide variety of flavors that you will surely love. Among them are, of course, the big favorites. These are the cookie flavors you can find:

  • Adventurefuls: Cookies with the flavor of a brownie, topped with smooth caramel cream and a subtle touch of sea salt.
  • Caramel Chocolate Chip: Chewy cookies with rich caramel flavor, semi-sweet chocolate chips, and a delicate touch of sea salt.
  • Caramel deLites/Samoas: Crunchy cookies coated with caramel, coconut, and stripes of chocolate, creating an irresistible combination.
  • Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwich: Crunchy oatmeal cookies filled with a smooth layer of peanut butter.
  • Girl Scouts S’mores: Crunchy graham cookies filled with marshmallows and chocolate, in a sandwich style.
  • Lemonades: Refreshing butter cookies topped with a lemon-flavored glaze, giving a tangy and delicious touch.
  • Lemon-Ups: Crispy lemon cookies baked with inspiring messages to accompany you while enjoying their flavor.
  • Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs: Crunchy cookies with layers of peanut butter, covered with an irresistible layer of chocolate.
  • Thin Mints: Crunchy chocolate cookies coated with a delicious layer of chocolate and refreshing mint.
  • Toast-Yay!: Toast-shaped cookies with the flavor of French toast and a delightful glaze that makes them unique.
  • Toffee-tastic: Buttery cookies with crunchy toffee pieces that add a sweet and delightful touch in every bite.
  • Trefoils: Butter cookies inspired by the original Girl Scouts recipe, with a classic and simple flavor that everyone loves.

What are the best-selling Girl Scouts cookies?

Girl Scouts cookies have become some of the favorites among American consumers. According to the organization’s website, the top sellers are:

  • Thin Mints
  • Caramel deLites/Samoas
  • Peanut Butter Patties
  • Adventurers
  • Peanut Butter Sandwich/Do-si-dos

When is National Girl Scouts Day?

National Girl Scouts Day is celebrated every year on March 12.

Why is National Girl Scouts Day celebrated?

This date annually celebrates the history and legacy of the Girl Scouts in the United States. It marks the anniversary of their founding, remembering the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the first eighteen girls as members of the organization in Savannah, Georgia.


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