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VIDEO Joe Biden confuses President Zelenskyy with Putin

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal called the conference a potential turning point, emphasizing the importance of Biden's performance in such important settings

In a recent press conference that concluded the NATO summit in Washington, U.S. President Joe Biden made a striking error by confusing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The incident has sparked widespread attention and intensified discussions about Biden’s candidacy for re-election amid growing pressures.

Joe Biden Press Conference

The press conference was held at 5:30 PM local time, following intense deliberations at the NATO summit. This event was particularly significant as it came during a tumultuous period for President Biden, with increasing calls from within his own Democratic Party to step down from the upcoming election race.

Critics and supporters alike had high expectations for Biden to address and reassure his capability to lead, especially after his challenging performance in a recent presidential debate against Donald Trump.

Biden’s candidacy has been under scrutiny due to his public appearances, where he has often appeared disoriented and tired. Many from his party believe that introducing a new candidate might be a strategic move to prevent Trump’s return to the White House. These concerns were amplified by the critical reception of his performance during the presidential debates, with major outlets like The New York Times describing the conference as “high-risk.”

Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal called the conference a potential turning point, emphasizing the importance of Biden’s performance in such important settings.

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Biden confuses President Zelenskyy

During his speech, Biden intended to introduce President Zelenskyy. However, he mistakenly referred to him as “President Putin.” This slip did not go unnoticed, as it immediately drew significant media attention and public scrutiny.

Recognizing his mistake, Biden swiftly corrected himself, emphatically stating, “No, we are going to beat Putin.”

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