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Tomodachi Life Nintendo Switch: When is the release date? What we know

Originally launched in Japan in 2013 as Tomodachi Collection: New Life, the game sold over 6.7 million copies worldwide


The Nintendo Direct on March 27, 2025 delivered a flood of announcements that thrilled fans of every franchise. However, the announcement that stole the spotlight was the return of one of Nintendo’s most peculiar and beloved sagas: Tomodachi Life. After more than a decade of absence, this life simulator starring Mii characters is coming back under the name Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream, exclusive to the Nintendo Switch… although it won’t arrive anytime soon.

When is the Tomodachi Life release date for Nintendo Switch?

During the March 27 Nintendo Direct, Nintendo confirmed that Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream will launch sometime in 2026. This means a long wait, especially considering that the last installment was released in 2014 for the Nintendo 3DS handheld console.

There’s no specific date within the year yet, and it’s likely that Nintendo will reveal it in future Directs as development progresses. It’s also possible that the game could be part of the rumored Nintendo Switch 2 launch lineup, which could position Tomodachi Life as a key title for the next generation of Nintendo consoles.

What is Tomodachi Life and why is its return so anticipated?

Tomodachi Life is a social life simulator with a unique and surreal approach. Unlike games like The Sims or Animal Crossing, this title stands out for its absurd humor, robot-like text-to-speech voices, and the unexpected interactions between Mii characters.

Originally launched in Japan in 2013 as Tomodachi Collection: New Life, and later released in the West in 2014 as Tomodachi Life, the game sold over 6.7 million copies worldwide, making it one of the most successful titles for the Nintendo 3DS.

Players could create Miis based on themselves, friends, celebrities, or fictional characters, and assign them apartments on an island. From there, the Miis would live their lives—eating, dreaming, falling in love, arguing, singing karaoke, or joining beauty contests. All of it wrapped in a simple visual style, but with a deeply quirky and endearing soul.

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What new features will Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream have on Nintendo Switch?

Although Nintendo hasn’t revealed all the details, the first trailer of Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream gave us some hints about what to expect:

  • Return of classic activities: Miis can be seen dancing, working out, chatting, smelling flowers, shopping, and participating in extravagant social events.
  • Improved graphics: While it maintains its cartoony style, this Nintendo Switch version has a more polished presentation than its 3DS predecessor.
  • More expressiveness: Miis appear to have more facial animations and reactions, which could enrich character dynamics.
  • Inclusive relationships?: One of the most debated topics in the past was the lack of same-sex relationships. Nintendo previously said the game was not intended to make a social statement, but later apologized and promised to design a more inclusive experience for future games. It remains to be seen whether this new version will deliver on that promise.

Why was Tomodachi Life Switch the biggest surprise of the Nintendo Direct?

No one saw it coming. In a showcase packed with major announcements like Dragon Quest I&II HD-2D Remake, Metroid Prime 4 Beyond, Patapon 1+2 Replay, and the return of Rhythm Heaven Groove, the new Tomodachi Life emerged as an unexpected but widely celebrated finale.

Fans have been asking for its return since 2014. There were even attempts to bring the formula to mobile devices, but with little success. That’s why this new installment is a special moment for those who grew up with the 3DS—and for a new generation that will now get to explore the bizarre world of Miis for the first time.

Highlights and announcements from the March 2025 Nintendo Direct

The March 27 Nintendo Direct was particularly generous with updates, including:

  • Dragon Quest I&II HD-2D Remake slated for 2025.
  • Raidou Remastered – The Mystery of the Soulless Army from Atlus coming June 19.
  • Shadow Labyrinth, launching on July 18.
  • Marvel Cosmic Invasion, a new beat ‘em up featuring the Avengers.
  • Metroid Prime 4 Beyond, with no release date yet but showcasing new combat and exploration mechanics.
  • Gradius Origins, a collection of six classic arcade shooters alongside SALAMANDER III.
  • Pokémon Legends: Z-A, offering new details on exploration and mega evolutions, scheduled for late 2025.
  • Digital cartridges and game-sharing features, a revolutionary update in the Switch ecosystem.


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