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The Annual Ranking of Mexican Top Advertising Agencies

Merca2.0 Marketing Magazine's 21st edition of its ranking of advertising agencies in Mexico highlights the growing significance of advertising on streaming platforms and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry.

Merca2.0 Marketing Magazine has recently launched the 21st edition of its ranking of advertising agencies in Mexico. The ranking reflects the evolving landscape of the advertising industry, with a particular focus on two key trends: the integration of advertising on streaming platforms and the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in advertising.

The inclusion of advertising on streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Disney+, is revolutionizing the way content is consumed. These platforms now offer advertisers the opportunity to reach diverse audiences through targeted ads. With the rise in popularity of streaming services and the growing interest of brands in this medium, advertising on streaming platforms is becoming an attractive option to reach younger generations and achieve specific business objectives.

The ranking by Merca2.0 highlights the potential of advertising on streaming platforms, particularly as ad-free platforms like Netflix have started offering lower-cost plans in exchange for a limited amount of advertising. This not only reduces the subscription cost for users but also opens up opportunities for platforms to increase their subscriber base and generate additional revenue. The Mexican market, with its large and competitive over-the-top (OTT) sector, presents significant untapped potential for advertising on streaming platforms.

Another significant trend in the advertising industry is the increasing use of AI. AI tools have become essential in personalizing ads, products, and services, as they collect and process data at high speeds. The agility and effectiveness provided by AI enable advertising agencies to deliver more detailed and imaginative proposals to clients. AI also helps address challenges such as optimizing banner content to maximize purchasing potential.

As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, the 21st ranking of advertising agencies in Mexico by Merca2.0 Marketing Magazine showcases the importance of embracing new advertising channels, such as streaming platforms, and leveraging AI technologies to deliver effective and personalized advertising campaigns.

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