Tesla owners are changing logos on their cars; They fear vandalism related to Musk

This phenomenon came to light through images posted on the social network Reddit, showing a Tesla Cybertruck with the word “Toyota” and a Tesla Model S with the Mazda logo on the rear.

Tesla owners are disguising their cars as other vehicles to avoid attempted vandalism linked to the disdain for the brand’s founder, Elon Musk.

This reflects how the electric car industry has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, driven by increasing environmental awareness, the development of advanced technologies, and the support of government policies favoring sustainable mobility. Within this landscape, Tesla has positioned itself as the undisputed leader, setting the pace and defining industry trends.

According to data from the International Electric Vehicle Association, global electric car sales reached 14 million units in 2024, representing a 35 percent increase over the previous year. Tesla contributed approximately 1.8 million vehicles sold, consolidating its position with a global market share of nearly 13 percent.

In this industry, Tesla’s success largely stems from its ability for continuous innovation. Models like the Tesla Model Y and Model 3 have become the company’s best-sellers, thanks to their combination of cutting-edge technology, attractive design, and energy efficiency. According to data from Statista, the company generated over 96.7 billion US dollars in revenue during 2023.

Tesla owners are disguising their cars

This phenomenon came to light through images posted on the social network Reddit, showing a Tesla Cybertruck with the word “Toyota” and a Tesla Model S with the Mazda logo on the rear.

Other examples include Tesla Model 3 vehicles with Honda badges and another Model 3 with Audi’s four rings on the trunk.

This trend emerges as social network users hypothesized that owners might be distancing themselves from Elon Musk due to his closer ties with far-right political groups and his role in the Trump administration’s Government Efficiency Department.

“Someone is afraid of being vandalized,” said one Reddit user.

“Imagine being so embarrassed to drive a Tesla that you just have to rebrand it?” said another on the same platform.

Assuming that vehicle owners were “embarrassed” to be associated with the brand, others noted that “in London, I’ve seen at least two Teslas without their badges. I’m not sure if their kids removed them or if the owners just don’t want to risk getting a random brick thrown at them.”

It’s worth highlighting that the Tesla brand has been targeted by graffiti this year following a gesture by Elon Musk interpreted by some as a Nazi salute.

Toyota Cybertruck
byu/Sponsorspew inmildlyinteresting

European protesters projected images of Adolf Hitler onto Tesla’s Berlin factory in protest of Musk’s political stance, and some owners abroad have returned to their cars to find slogans and logos spray-painted on them.

However, Tesla owners have been changing their car badges for years, possibly as an inside joke for other drivers.

The latest wave of Tesla vandalism follows a prolonged series of incidents in which other drivers tampered with Tesla cars. Many of the culprits were caught on camera by Tesla’s “Sentry” security system.

This is not the first time consumers have felt embarrassed by a brand they consume due to situations that put them in the spotlight. One example is the videos circulating on social networks about the alleged boycott of Coca-Cola for its stance with Trump, where people share how they leave the soda brand’s products on the shelves and buy more competitors’ products like Pepsi.


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