Tangled live-action: This could be the cast for Disney’s new film

Disney is already preparing Tangled live-action, a new version of the story of Rapunzel, the iconic long-haired princess
Tangled live-action: This could be the cast for Disney's new film
Photo: Disney

If you’re a fan of the world of Disney princesses, then we have good news for you, as the studio is preparing a new version of the story of Rapunzel, the girl with the long hair. Here’s everything we know about Tangled live-action.

Who will play Rapunzel in Tangled live-action?

The animated movie, which premiered in 2010, was a huge box office success, grossing $591 million. This version featured the voices of Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi, who brought to life Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, respectively.

So far, Disney has not revealed the cast of the new live-action film; however, some names of actresses who could play the princess with magical hair have started to emerge. Here’s the list of those who could take on the role:

  • Sabrina Carpenter: she has become the fan-favorite choice to portray Rapunzel. This talented singer and actress has appeared in various productions such as “Work It,” “The Short History of the Long Road,” and “Tall Girl.”
  • Avantika Vandanapu: she is known for her acting in films like “Mean Girls,” “Tarot,” and “Back to School.”
  • Florence Pugh: famous for her roles in “Midsommar” and “Black Widow,” she has shown versatility across different genres, which might make Disney consider her for this project.
  • Taylor Swift: the singer has started to become a strong contender to play Rapunzel; however, she has not made any statement on the matter… though with Disney, anything can happen.

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Who will play Flynn Rider?

The actor who will portray Flynn Rider has not been defined either, so there has been speculation about who could bring the charming thief and Rapunzel’s love interest to life. These are the names that have been mentioned:

  • Taylor Zakhar Perez
  • Milo Manheim
  • Fabien Franke
  • Benny Blanco

Tangled live-action: cast

Among the supporting characters that will appear in this movie, names such as Elizabeth Olsen, who would play Queen Arianna, and Jennifer Lopez and Kathryn Hahn, both proposed to portray the fearsome Mother Gothel, stand out.

However, none of these names have been confirmed, so we’ll have to wait for Disney or someone from the production team to reveal more details.

Who will direct Tangled live-action?

Michael Gracey is in talks to direct this new film, with the screenplay written by Jennifer Kaytin Robinson. Additionally, the production will be handled by Kristin Burr and Lucy Kitada.

What is the plot of the movie Tangled?

The movie Tangled tells the story of Rapunzel, a young woman who has been captured by the evil witch Gothel, who keeps her imprisoned in a tower throughout her life. Rapunzel has magical long golden hair, which Gothel uses to maintain her youth.

One day, a peculiar thief named Flynn Rider manages to climb and hide in the tower, and Rapunzel helps him escape. Together, they embark on an exciting adventure to witness mysterious stars that Rapunzel has been admiring since her imprisonment, hoping to discover why they appear exactly on the night of her birthday.

What are the upcoming live-action Disney films?

Rapunzel won’t be the only live-action that Disney plans to release in the coming years, as they are already preparing new versions of their beloved classics. Some already have confirmed release dates. Here’s the list:

  • Lilo & Stitch: May 23, 2025
  • Moana: July 10, 2026
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • Cruella 2
  • Bambi
  • The Jungle Book 2
  • Aladdin 2 and a Spin-Off
  • Hercules
  • Merlin
  • Tinker Bell
  • The Aristocats
  • Robin Hood


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