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State Farm Insurance and Disney’s Haunted Mansion Join Forces in Spooktacular Partnership

In a world where unexpected partnerships can ignite the imagination, State Farm Insurance and Disney's Haunted Mansion have accomplished an extraordinary feat.

In a creative and unexpected collaboration, State Farm Insurance and Walt Disney Studios have come together to conjure up an ad campaign that brilliantly marries insurance with the eerie allure of Disney’s Haunted Mansion. This spirited partnership brings Jake from State Farm into the ghostly realm of the Mansion, where he navigates through supernatural challenges to showcase how State Farm can offer protection even in the most otherworldly situations. Let’s delve into the hauntingly delightful details of this unique alliance and its captivating marketing endeavors.


State Farm and Disney: Uniting Insurance and Haunted Mansion Magic

State Farm Insurance, renowned for its reliability and exceptional customer service, has teamed up with the iconic Walt Disney Studios, known for its enchanting storytelling and magical experiences. Together, they have crafted an ad campaign that seamlessly blends the world of insurance with the timeless charm of Disney’s Haunted Mansion attraction.


The Ad: Jake from State Farm and Gabbie’s Enchanted Journey

At the heart of this collaboration is an enchanting ad featuring Jake from State Farm, the affable insurance representative known for his famous catchphrase. In the ad, Jake strolls alongside Gabbie, the owner of the Haunted Mansion, discussing how State Farm can cater to her insurance needs. The clever ad highlights the importance of protecting cherished possessions, even if they dwell in spectral surroundings.


A Playful Spin: Disney’s Haunted Mansion x State Farm – Property Damage

Building on the ad’s allure, a series of YouTube videos further amplifies the partnership. Among them is “Disney’s Haunted Mansion x State Farm – Property Damage,” which takes a playful approach to potential mishaps in the Mansion and demonstrates how State Farm steps in to lend a helping hand in the face of spooky situations.

Teasers and Trailer: Haunted Mansion (2023) ‘Jake from State Farm’ TV Spot [HD] In Theaters July 28

To intensify the excitement, intriguing teasers and a theatrical trailer titled “Haunted Mansion (2023) ‘Jake from State Farm’ TV Spot [HD] In Theaters July 28” set the stage for the audience to embark on a haunting journey they won’t soon forget.


Unleashing Imagination: When the Haunted Mansion Meets Insurance

Not stopping at mere promotional videos, State Farm pushes the boundaries of imagination with a creative insurance commercial on YouTube. This whimsical advertisement playfully contemplates what would happen if the Haunted Mansion were an actual property seeking insurance coverage. The captivating concept humorously embraces the surreal and showcases State Farm’s adaptability to protect even the most outlandish properties.


Casting Magic: Kevin Miles as Jake from State Farm

As the enigmatic face behind Jake from State Farm in this collaboration, Kevin Miles masterfully brings the character to life. His portrayal adds a touch of charisma and authenticity to the ads, solidifying the connection between State Farm and the Haunted Mansion.

Here is the commercial spot, tell us: Is it a good and exciting commercial?


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