Pokémon GO’s Road to Unova: when is it and how to join?

Pokémon GO's Road to Unova features a new Tour Pass Points system, as well as free and paid temporary research access
Pokémon GO's Road to Unova: when is it and how to join?
Photo: Pokémon GO

The Pokémon GO Path to Teselia is here! Unleash the Pokémon master within you and embark on this adventure where you can capture, hatch, and battle legendary creatures. Here are all the details.

When does the Pokémon GO Path to Teselia start?

The challenge has already begun! Starting this Monday, February 24 through Saturday, March 1, you can enter Pokémon GO and participate in this tour.

What is the Pokémon GO Path to Teselia about?

The event will have five raid levels, in which you will encounter different types of Pokémon from the Teselia region. It features a new Tour Pass Points system, as well as free and paid temporary research access and exclusive field research.

The Path to Teselia event offers great opportunities for research. Face temporary research challenges to encounter Terrakion, Cobalion, Virizion, Tornadus (Totem Form), Thundurus (Totem Form), Landorus (Totem Form), Genesect, Genesect (PiroROM), Genesect (HidroROM), Genesect (FulgoROM), and Genesect (CrioROM).

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Complete research tasks to encounter Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Roggenrola, Timburr, Karrablast, and Shelmet. You will also have the chance to encounter some of their evolutions, such as:

  • Servine
  • Pignite
  • Dewott

Raid levels in Pokémon GO Path to Teselia

Level 1 Raids

  • Snivy
  • Tepig
  • Oshawott

Level 3 Raids

  • Druddigon

Level 5 Raids (February 24)

  • Genesect
  • Genesect (FulgoROM)
  • Genesect (PiroROM)
  • Genesect (CrioROM)
  • Genesect (HidroROM)

Level 5 Raids (February 25)

  • Cobalion
  • Terrakion
  • Virizion

Level 5 Raids (February 26)

  • Tornadus Totem Form
  • Thundurus Totem Form
  • Landorus Totem Form

Level 5 Raids (February 27)

  • Reshiram

Level 5 Raids (February 28)

  • Zekrom

Between February 24 and 28, 2025, the remote raid limit will be increased to 20. Additionally, on March 2, 2025, there will be no limit for remote raids.

How much does the entry to Pokémon GO Path to Teselia cost?

The Tour Pass is a free and temporary option to progress in the Pokémon GO Tour: Teselia, allowing you to earn rewards and bonuses by completing tasks and accumulating points. It will be automatically activated on February 24 at 10:00 AM (local time) and will be available until March 2 at 6:00 PM.

Additionally, there is a paid version called Deluxe Tour Pass, which offers better rewards and faster progression. By purchasing it, you will receive an automatic encounter with Victini, even if you’ve already captured it previously. It will also allow you to reach the highest level and obtain the new Lucky Memento item.

If you want to enhance your event experience with more bonuses, a temporary research related to the event, and new avatar items, you can purchase the Path to Teselia entry for 5 USD (or the equivalent in your local currency).

The Deluxe Tour Pass will give you access to a temporary research with the following rewards:

  • 5 Cobalion++ Candies
  • 5 Terrakion++ Candies
  • 5 Virizion++ Candies
  • 5 Tornadus++ Candies
  • 5 Thundurus++ Candies
  • 5 Reshiram++ Candies
  • 5 Zekrom++ Candies
  • 5 Landorus++ Candies
  • 25 Genesect++ Candies
  • Black and white sporty pants for your avatar
  • Bonus such as 5000 XP for completing raids
  • One additional Candy when capturing Pokémon in raids
  • One++ Candy when capturing Pokémon in raids (for Trainers level 31 or higher)
  • Double Stardust in raids
  • One additional Raid Pass each day from spinning Photodisks at Gyms.

You can also choose the “Path to Teselia: Hatching” entry, available for a cost of $5 USD (or its equivalent in your local currency). This purchase will grant you access to a temporary research offering encounters with Maractus, Sigilyph, and Bouffalant, as well as a black and white hoodie to customize your avatar. Additionally, during the event, you will receive bonuses like double XP, Candies, and Stardust when hatching eggs.


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