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Play for Skateistan: How Gaming and Community Empower At-Risk Children Worldwide

Skateistan is a non-profit organization that provides skateboarding and arts-based programs to children living in at-risk societies.

It was founded in 2007 with the goal of providing safe spaces, positive role models, and a sense of community to children living in high-conflict zones. The organization operates in countries such as Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Africa, where children are impacted by global conflicts and crises. However, unsafe conditions in these areas have made it harder for Skateistan to operate, meaning they need new methods to access support and donations to continue providing programs and a safe place for children.

In response to this need, Skateistan has launched a new campaign called “Play For Skateistan.” This unique gamer-focused fundraising project aims to raise awareness and donations for the Skateistan community by bringing the stories of children in high-conflict areas to the global gaming community. For the first time, the children of Skateistan will be represented in the gaming world, giving the whole world a chance to help and learn about their stories.

The “Play For Skateistan” campaign is a Europe-wide partnership between Skateistan, DDB Group Germany, and Futura FTW. It was created in collaboration with the online gaming community referred to as the “modding community,” who create and implement in-game modifications called “mods.” Three playable gaming characters have been developed based on real Skateistan students and their backstories: Sara from Afghanistan, Natalia from South Africa, and Arun from Cambodia.

The mods of these characters, along with unique skateboard deck designs portraying messages of empowerment, are available on Gamers can download and play with them, and also donate to support Skateistan. The mods can be used on the popular game Skater XL, with mods for games such as Session and True Skate to follow. In addition, replicas of the children’s hometown skate parks will be released in the next few days.

The aim of the “Play For Skateistan” campaign is to encourage the global skateboarding gaming community to play with the students’ characters in-game. By doing so, these students will be able to skate in reality thanks to the donations raised. On a larger scale, the campaign hopes to foster a sense of community among at-risk children worldwide, welcoming those outside of Skateistan’s operating counties by making them feel represented and part of the global skateboarding community.

Oisin Tammas, Head of Communications at Skateistan, said, “Skateistan is all about the empowerment and education of young people. Just as our students show us how to make our programs better, the next generation can show us how to tell the story of Skateistan and its impact in more exciting and interactive ways. This project does just this: engaging a new, young audience with Skateistan and its students, in new (virtual) realities. This is a game-changer for the social skate sector.”

The “Play For Skateistan” campaign launched on April 6th, the United Nations’ International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. It has the support of well-known skateboard gaming streamers like JL_Nightmare and Shades Wade, as well as real pro-skaters such as Walker Ryan and the TSG skateboarding team.

The campaign features three students from Skateistan, each with a unique story. Sara is from Bamyan, Afghanistan. She found a safe space to learn and empower herself through skate and arts-based programs at Skateistan’s Skate School in Bamyan. Today, she is a skate instructor who inspires other girls in her community to push their boundaries and dream big.

Natalia is from Johannesburg, South Africa. She saw a group of boys skateboarding in the streets and knew she wanted to skate too. But there were no safe spaces for her to learn until she found Skateistan’s.


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