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 Pepsi Zero Sugar: Pepsi highlights new improved formular during the Super Bowl 

A Super Bowl commercial and a 10 million bottle giveaway of Pepsi Zero Sugar are how Pepsi is promoting its new improved beverage
Pepsi Zero Sugar
Pepsi Zero Sugar

Pepsico has released a new and improved Pepsi Zero Sugar and the brand Pepsi is thrilled to promote its tagline “Zero has never tasted so wonderful”. The company is offering consumers the chance to redeem up to 10 million free Pepsi Zero Sugars starting with the NFL Playoffs that start today, through the Super Bowl. The brand is demonstrating to consumers via taste and experience that zero has never tasted so great.

Pepsi is constantly creating sensational offerings known to break the internet

In comparison to the original Pepsi Zero Sugar variety, the new Pepsi Zero Sugar formula adopts a new sweetener system to achieve a more energizing and robust flavor.  Pepsi is constantly identifying consumption trends and consumer preferences and creating flavors that satisfy consumers’ ever-evolving needs. It has created sensational offerings that have broken the internet, like Pilk & Cookies, ground-breaking cola innovations, like Nitro Pepsi®, hugely popular new flavors, like Pepsi Mango, and now the new and improved Pepsi Zero Sugar.


Multiple in-store and media marketing activations for new beverage

To prioritize the sugar-free category across in-store and media marketing channels, the brand is putting together a portfolio of consumer-facing promotions as the new beverage formula rolls out across the United States.

The “Zero never tasted so good” campaign, therefore, includes numerous media and in-store marketing activations which are:  

  • A national television commercial that will run during the NFL Playoffs, 
  • Pepsi’s first Super Bowl campaign in three years, 
  • A contest to win up to 10 million Pepsi Zero Sugars, and 
  • Year-round promotions with national retail partners.

For the first time in 11 years, Pepsi will not be the halftime show sponsor for Super Bowl LVII.  Apple Music acquired a multi-year contract last fall as the streaming provider.

The customer is at the center of the development of the new zero-sugar beverage

The emphasis will be on the expanded new beverage recipe’s national release. According to  Pepsi’s chief marketing officer Todd Kaplan, Pepsi puts its consumers at the center of everything it does.

“Utilizing the most cutting-edge beverage technology, our R&D team improved our Pepsi Zero Sugar product to provide consumers with the best-tasting cola in the zero-sugar category. The beverage is genuinely revolutionary because it is the best zero-sugar cola we have ever taken,”  he said.

PepsiCo’s content studio came up with the concept and created the campaign.



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