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Paquita La del Barrio passed away: age and cause of death of the famous Mexican singer

Mexican singer Francisca Viveros Barradas, better known in the artistic world as Paquita la del Barrio, died on February 17


Francisca Viveros Barradas, better known in the artistic world as Paquita la del Barrio, passed away on February 17, at the age of 77. The news was announced through her official Instagram profile, where her family shared a statement asking for respect during this time of mourning.

Her passing occurred at her home in the Badillo neighborhood in Xalapa, Veracruz.

Throughout her life, Paquita la del Barrio won the affection of millions of fans in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries for her unique style in performing rancheras, boleros, and songs filled with direct language against unfaithful men. Her artistic legacy spans more than five decades of career and remains alive in the memory of those who admired her for her unmatched voice and strong character.

Below, we take a deep dive into the career of the so-called “Queen of the People” or “Bolero Guerrilla”, from her origins, the challenges she faced, her foray into music, her popular song “Rata de dos patas,” and the mysteries that still surround her passing.

Who was Paquita la del Barrio?

Paquita la del Barrio was born on April 2, 1947, in the municipality of Alto Lucero, Veracruz. Her real name was Francisca Viveros Barradas, but from a young age, she was nicknamed “Chica.” Her childhood was marked by poverty, and she often recounted how, as a child, she worked alongside her family cutting coffee, picking mangoes, and helping with farm work.

This difficult economic situation did not prevent her from discovering her passion for music. From an early age, she stood out in school festivals, where teachers invited her to sing. However, the labor demands of her environment led her to complete her primary education at the age of 15, which was enough for her to be hired at the Civil Registry of her municipality.

Paquita la del Barrio’s figure gained prominence in the regional Mexican music scene in the late 1970s and throughout the 1990s when she broke stereotypes and taboos by using lyrics with explicit, direct, and often critical language against macho culture. Songs like “Rata de dos patas,” “Tres veces te engañé,” and “Me saludas a la tuya” made her an iconic voice and a symbol of women’s struggle within Mexican popular music.

What was Paquita la del Barrio’s musical legacy?

Paquita’s legacy includes more than 50 albums, performances at palenques, fairs, television programs, and appearances in soap operas. Thanks to her unique style, the Bolero Guerrilla conquered popular stages and became part of the soundtrack of multiple generations who found in her songs a message of empowerment and courage.

  1. Rancheras and boleros: With her powerful voice, Paquita performed traditional rancheras but also ventured into boleros where she expressed heartbreak and anger towards male infidelity.
  2. Collaborations: She worked with artists from different genres, demonstrating her versatility and adaptability.
  3. TV shows and movies: She participated in productions such as “La familia P. Luche,” “Mujer, casos de la vida real,” and even in movies like “Modelo antiguo” and “Cansada de besar sapos.”

When was the Paquita la del Barrio series released?

Additionally, in 2017, the biographical series “Paquita la del Barrio” premiered, produced by Sony Pictures Television and Teleset, narrating the artist’s life from her beginnings to her rise to fame. This production also delves into some aspects of her personal life, such as her romantic relationships and the sacrifices she made to achieve success.

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What was the cause of Paquita la del Barrio’s death?

So far, the official cause of Paquita la del Barrio’s death has not been revealed, but it is known that she had been suffering from several health issues for some time. In recent months, it was reported that the artist had been hospitalized due to complications from a pulmonary thrombosis and chronic sciatic nerve pain.

Her health gradually deteriorated, leading her to decide to retire from palenques in 2023. According to the statement published on her social media, her passing occurred at her home in Xalapa, Veracruz, surrounded by family and loved ones. In the coming days, those close to her are expected to provide more details about her passing and funeral services.

Who was Paquita la del Barrio married to?

The singer was married twice and faced very complicated romantic situations:

  1. First marriage to Miguel Gerardo Martínez:
    • Paquita met him while working at the Civil Registry of Alto Lucero, Veracruz.
    • He was 18 years older, and despite the age difference, they had two children.
    • Disillusionment came when Paquita discovered that Miguel was married and had another family.
  2. Second marriage to Alfonso Martínez:
    • They met in Mexico City, where Paquita was trying to break into the music scene by performing in restaurants and bars.
    • They lived together for 30 years, but the relationship ended due to Alfonso’s multiple infidelities, according to the artist’s own statements.

In interviews given to entertainment programs, Paquita once stated that all her most emotional songs were dedicated to Alfonso, whom she considered her “true love.” However, betrayal marked the end of their relationship, and just like in her first marriage, the artist decided to move forward.


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