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Paquita La del Barrio: How many sons and daughters did the Mexican singer have?

Paquita la del Barrio suffered from sciatic nerve problems and had experienced a pulmonary thrombosis, which left her with mobility issues


Francisca Viveros Barradas, better known as Paquita la del Barrio, passed away at the age of 77. The news was announced through her official Instagram profile, where her team and family reported that she passed away at her home, located in the Badillo neighborhood in Xalapa, Veracruz.

In the statement, her artistic legacy and the impact of her music on several generations were highlighted. “A unique and irreplaceable artist, who will leave an indelible mark on the hearts of all of us who knew her and enjoyed her music,” the message read. Additionally, the family requested respect during this time of mourning: “We appreciate your understanding and respect in this very difficult moment.”

Although the official causes of her death have not been confirmed, in recent months, there had been reports of a decline in her health. The singer had faced several medical issues that led to multiple hospitalizations.

Paquita la del Barrio suffered from sciatic nerve problems and had experienced a pulmonary thrombosis, which left her with mobility issues. These medical conditions forced her to retire from the stage in 2023, when she gave her last performance at the Palenque de Texcoco.

ALSO READ. Paquita La del Barrio passed away: age and cause of death of the famous Mexican singer

Where was Paquita la del Barrio born?

Francisca Viveros Barradas was born on April 2, 1947, in Alto Lucero, Veracruz. Poverty was a constant in her life from childhood, which led her to join the family workforce at an early age. However, she always had a passion for music, and after moving to Mexico City in the 1970s, she began performing in bars and cantinas.

Over time, she became one of the most iconic voices of the ranchera genre. Her direct style, with lyrics denouncing machismo and infidelity, earned her the affection of female audiences and the title of “The Queen of the People.”

What is the story behind “Rata de dos patas”?

One of her greatest hits was the song “Rata de dos patas,” a track with powerful lyrics that became an anthem against unfaithful and abusive men.

The song was written by composer Manuel Eduardo Toscano, who revealed that the piece was inspired by the singer’s unfaithful husband, but he also admitted that it was inspired by former Mexican president Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

Paquita La del Barrio’s husbands

Paquita experienced love relationships marked by betrayal and heartbreak. Her first husband, Miguel Gerardo Martínez, turned out to be married to another woman, a situation that led her to separate from him.

Later, she found love with Alfonso Martínez, with whom she was married for over 30 years. However, she also suffered romantic disappointments with him, as she recounted in various interviews.

How many children did Paquita la del Barrio have?

With her first partner, the singer had two children: Iván Miguel (born in 1968) and Javier (1969). And in her second marriage, with Alfonso Martínez, she had three more children, of whom only Martha Elena Martínez Viveros survives.

What was her impact on Mexican music?

Paquita la del Barrio left an indelible mark on Mexican music. Her irreverent style and lyrics denouncing gender inequality made her an icon for many women.

With songs like “Me estás oyendo, inútil,” “Cheque en blanco,” and “Tres veces te engañé,” her music became a staple of the ranchera genre. Moreover, her legacy extended beyond music and reached film and television, where she participated in various soap operas and entertainment programs.

Where can you watch the Paquita la del Barrio series?

In 2017, a biographical series about her life titled Paquita la del Barrio premiered, produced by Sony Pictures Television and Teleset for Imagen Televisión. The series, starring Andrea Ortega Lee, consists of 74 episodes and is currently available on streaming platforms such as Netflix.



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