A virus has raised alarms among health authorities due to the increase in cases recorded in recent weeks. This virus is the norovirus, a stomach infection that can be dangerous for the most vulnerable populations.
Cases of this disease are particularly rising in the United States, and according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is a significant increase in affected individuals compared to the same period last year.
What is norovirus?
Norovirus is a virus responsible for the disease of the same name. It is also known as viral gastroenteritis, stomach flu, or food poisoning.
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How many norovirus cases are there in the United States?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 91 cases of norovirus have been reported in the United States in just the last week.
Symptoms of norovirus
The disease primarily causes the following symptoms:
- Severe vomiting
- Nausea
- Watery diarrhea
- Body aches
- Headache
- Fever
- Fatigue
- How serious can norovirus be?
The virus can cause intense discomfort, with frequent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea throughout the day. Dehydration is a common complication, especially in children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions.
How is norovirus transmitted?
The virus spreads through the following ways:
- Consuming contaminated food or beverages
- Touching contaminated surfaces or objects
- Direct contact with an infected person
How contagious is norovirus?
Norovirus is extremely contagious, as just 10 viral particles are enough to cause an infection. Infected individuals can transmit the virus from the onset of symptoms up to a period ranging from 3 days to 2 weeks after recovery.
This virus spreads easily in enclosed spaces and has remarkable resilience, surviving for long periods in the environment, tolerating both sub-zero temperatures and heat up to 140°F.
How long does norovirus last?
Symptoms of the infection usually appear between 12 and 48 hours after initial contact with the virus and can last from 1 to 3 days. Although symptoms may disappear, it is possible to continue shedding the virus through stool for several weeks. In individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, this shedding period may extend for weeks or even months.
What long-term effects does norovirus have?
Infection with this virus can cause intense discomfort, with frequent vomiting and diarrhea throughout the day, leading to a significant loss of bodily fluids and dehydration.
What foods cause norovirus?
Foods commonly linked to outbreaks of this disease include oysters, clams, lettuce, and other vegetables that are consumed raw and have been irrigated with untreated water.
Treatment for norovirus
There is no specific treatment for the virus, so it is recommended to focus on alleviating symptoms and preventing dehydration, which can be achieved by drinking fluids. In more severe cases, intravenous fluids may be necessary.
How to prevent norovirus?
To prevent the transmission of this disease, follow these recommendations:
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom and before preparing food.
- Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them.
- Cook food, especially seafood, properly.
- Disinfect contaminated surfaces with bleach solutions.