National Ugly Sweater Day: when and why is it celebrated?

On National Ugly Sweater Day everyone puts aside their formal clothes and takes out the ugliest thing they have from their closet.

National Ugly Sweater Day: when and why is it celebrated?

One of the pre-Christmas celebrations is just around the corner: National Ugly Sweater Day, that quirky tradition where everyone sets aside formal attire and pulls out the ugliest thing they have from their closet.

But how did this celebration come about, and when does it take place? Here are all the details so you can start preparing your outfit. Take note!

What is an ugly sweater?

An ugly sweater is exactly what it sounds like: an ugly sweater! These garments are typically adorned with colorful lights, images of Santa Claus or other Christmas-themed decorations, and often feature puns written in an unappealing font.

When is National Ugly Sweater Day celebrated?

National Ugly Sweater Day is observed on the third Friday of December, typically the Friday before Christmas. In 2024, it will take place on Friday, December 20.


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Why do people wear ugly holiday sweaters?

Although it might seem otherwise, ugly sweaters weren’t always created intentionally. Sometimes, a mistake in knitting or an experimental design ended up being less attractive than expected. Over time, grandmothers began knitting Christmas sweaters filled with ornaments and messages like “I love Grandma,” which marked the beginning of this unique tradition.

In the 1980s, ugly sweaters were intentionally introduced to the market. While the trend seemed to fade in the following decade, it made a strong comeback in Canada. Two men from Vancouver organized the first official ugly sweater party to raise funds for a friend’s cancer treatment. The event was a success and inspired similar gatherings across the northern hemisphere.

Over time, ugly sweater parties evolved from small Christmas get-togethers to large events, often for charitable causes. Today, contests and celebrations centered around ugly sweaters have become one of the most anticipated moments of the holiday season.

What are the rules for ugly sweaters?

This celebration has one fundamental rule that must not be broken: the ugly sweater, no matter how extravagant or unflattering, must be worn all day long, whether you’re going to work or engaging in leisure activities.

What is another name for the ugly sweater?

Initially, ugly sweaters were known as “Jingle Bell Sweaters”.

What is the most expensive ugly sweater?

The iconic sheep sweater worn by Princess Diana was auctioned for $1.1 million, setting a record as the most expensive sweater in the world.

How many ugly sweaters are sold each year?

It is estimated that around 6 million Christmas sweaters are sold annually in the United States. This success is largely driven by a culture that encourages ugly sweater enthusiasts to update their collection every year with the latest designs.

Fun facts about National Ugly Sweater Day

  • Hipsters played a role in the creation of the ugly sweater trend.
  • 23% of people purchase an ugly sweater for Christmas.
  • 9% of people have celebrated National Ugly Sweater Day at least once in their lives.
  • In just three years, earned $5 million thanks to National Ugly Sweater Day. The store allows you to customize your own ugly sweater and even offers 3D designs, making it highly popular.
  • In 2011, a group of students from the University of San Diego launched a website dedicated to showcasing the most extravagant and absurd sweater designs.
  • Today, many companies host contests where employees display their most eye-catching and original sweaters, awarding prizes for the most creative designs.



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