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National Ice Cream Day 2024: Why It’s Celebrated on July 21st & Fun Facts

national ice cream day PHOTO: Canva
The U.S. ice cream market in 2023 was dominated by private label brands, which accounted for over $1.4 billion in sales

National Ice Cream Day isn’t a fixed date on the calendar, but rather a delicious tradition celebrated on the third Sunday of July each year. This means that the date can vary slightly, but it always falls within the heart of summer, making it the perfect time to cool down and indulge in a sweet treat. In 2024, National Ice Cream Day falls on July 21st, offering a delightful opportunity to celebrate this beloved frozen dessert.

The U.S. ice cream market in 2023 was dominated by private label brands, which accounted for over $1.4 billion in sales. This suggests a growing consumer preference for store-branded or generic ice cream options, likely due to their competitive pricing.

Among the top brand names, Ben & Jerry’s secured a comfortable second place with just under $1 billion in sales, highlighting the brand’s enduring popularity and strong market presence. Häagen-Dazs and Blue Bell also performed well, each exceeding $700 million in sales, indicating a consistent demand for premium and regional ice cream varieties.

The special day was designated by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 as a fun and delicious homage to this universally beloved treat. Reagan declared the third Sunday of July as National Ice Cream Day, encouraging people “to observe these events with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Who Invented Ice Cream Day?

The concept of a day dedicated to celebrating ice cream was officially established by Ronald Reagan. However, the idea of ice cream itself dates back centuries and is not attributed to a single inventor.

The World’s Favorite Ice Cream

Vanilla continues to reign as the most popular ice cream flavor. Its versatility and subtle flavor make it the perfect base for a plethora of toppings and mix-ins, from classic hot fudge to exotic fruits.

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Ice Cream Demographics: Who Buys the Most?

Contrary to what one might expect, it’s not just kids who love ice cream the most. Adults between the ages of 45 and 64 are actually the most frequent buyers of ice cream. This age group tends to have more disposable income and purchases ice cream both for personal enjoyment and family occasions.

Who Invented Ice Cream?

The origins of ice cream can be traced back to the ancient Persians around 500 BCE, who began making ice desserts by pouring grape juice over snow. Later, similar frozen desserts appeared in China, where they froze milk and rice mixture in the snow.

Italian gelato stands as a pioneer and predecessor of the ice cream we enjoy today, tracing its roots back to rich European traditions. Gelato, which simply means “frozen” in Italian, differs from its ice cream cousins primarily due to its lower fat content and higher density. This is achieved by using a greater proportion of milk to cream and by incorporating less air during the churning process.

The result is a dessert that is smoother and richer in flavor, allowing the natural ingredients to shine more prominently.

The origins of gelato can be traced back to the Renaissance period in Italy. This innovative treat quickly spread across Europe, becoming a symbol of Italian culinary art. Over time, the techniques and recipes evolved, laying the groundwork for modern ice cream. Today, gelato remains a testament to Italy’s lasting influence on how we perceive and enjoy frozen desserts, merging tradition with ongoing innovation in flavors and techniques.

Top Ice Cream Nation

It’s a close race, but New Zealand often leads per capita consumption of ice cream, enjoying a whopping 28.4 liters per person annually.



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