National Bagel Day: these are the stores that have offers

Several stores in the country will join the celebration of National Bagel Day and offer various promotions
National Bagel Day: these are the stores that have offers
Photo: Panera Bread

Are you a bagel lover? Then you’re in luck! Today marks National Bagel Day, and several stores across the United States are offering various deals and surprises just for you. Here’s a list of promotions and participating locations so you can take advantage of them.

Which stores will have promotions for National Bagel Day?

Several stores across the country are joining this iconic celebration and will offer promotions ranging from discounts to free bagels. Here’s the list of participating stores:

Manhattan Bagel

Only this Wednesday, members of the Manhattan Bagel eClub loyalty program will receive an email with a promo code for a free bagel with cream cheese.


Einstein Bros.

Members of the Einstein Bros. Bagels Rewards program have the opportunity to enjoy a free egg sandwich with their purchase by placing an order ahead through the app or online. This promotion is available throughout the entire month of January.

Panera Bread

Panera is offering a special promotion called “Bagel Bash”, available until January 21, for their new Asiago Bagel Stack lunch sandwiches. As an added benefit, MyPanera loyalty program members will receive a free bagel on their next visit when they purchase one of these sandwiches.


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Una publicación compartida por Panera Bread (@panerabread)

Biggby Coffee

Biggby Coffee will offer a 50% discount on bagel sandwiches at participating locations.


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Bruegger’s Bagels

All customers who join the Bruegger’s Rewards program will enjoy a free bagel with cream cheese with their purchase throughout the month of January.


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Una publicación compartida por Bruegger’s Bagels (@brueggers)

What is a bagel?

The bagel is a classic bread with a history spanning centuries, dating back to the 13th century, and arriving in the United States in the 19th century. Its name comes from the Polish word “bajgiel” and the Yiddish “beygal,” both referring to this ring-shaped bread.

What makes the bagel unique is its preparation method: the dough is boiled or cooked in water before being baked. This gives it its characteristic crunchy, shiny exterior while keeping the inside soft. It is also a great nutritional option, balancing protein and carbohydrates, being low in fat and low in calories.

Where was the bagel invented?

Two theories exist regarding the origin of the bagel. The first suggests that the bread arrived in the United States after the exile of the Polish Jewish community during World War II. In cities like New York and Boston, this distinctive doughnut shape began to gain popularity, spreading to bakeries across different areas. According to this theory, its direct predecessor is the Israeli bagele.

This theory is complemented by the idea that bagels originated in Krakow, Poland, in Jewish households. The hole in the center symbolizes hunger, which is later satisfied, while its circular shape represents the sense of belonging to a community.

The second theory places the origin of the bagel in 1683 when an Austrian baker created a stirrup-shaped bread to honor King John III Sobieski of Poland after his victory over the Ottoman army. This special design was inspired by the king’s love of horseback riding and was offered as a token of gratitude.

What is the best-selling bagel?

In the United States, approximately 8 million bagels are sold daily, with the most popular being those filled with smoked salmon and cream cheese.

What is the difference between a bagel and regular bread?

Both are made primarily from wheat flour, but what distinguishes a bagel from other breads is its preparation process. First, it is boiled in water and then baked, which gives it its unique texture.

Why is National Bagel Day celebrated?

National Bagel Day is celebrated every year on January 15 to honor this beloved bread, which is undoubtedly one of the most consumed around the world. This date is not only celebrated in the United States but also in other countries.


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