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Mexican Mother’s Day 2024: Why is it celebrated on May 10th?

On May 10 of each year, Mexican Mother's Day is celebrated. There are several versions about the origin of this celebration.

Mexican Mother’s Day, also known as El Día de las Madres, is celebrated annually on May 10th in Mexico to honor and recognize the important role that mothers play in families and society. While Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates around the world, Mexico’s unique celebration has its own special history and significance.

This day has since evolved into a significant event filled with deep appreciation and joyous festivities. Schools often organize performances where children sing and recite poems for their mothers, while many restaurants and venues host special meals and events. Families commonly gift flowers, especially roses, and handmade crafts, reflecting their gratitude.

Mexican Mother’s Day is not just about celebration but also recognition of the vital role mothers play in society. Their nurturing care, wisdom, and dedication form the cornerstone of many families. In 2024, like every year, mothers will be at the heart of this heartfelt tradition, showered with love, gifts, and the admiration they richly deserve.

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Mother’s Day: Why is it celebrated on May 10th?

The origin of celebrating Mother’s Day on May 10th in Mexico has several versions.

The most common version indicates that the idea to celebrate mothers on May 10th came from José Vasconcelos, who was then the Secretary of Public Education, and journalist Rafael Alducín.

In 1922, Vasconcelos proposed dedicating a special day to celebrate Mexican mothers. This initiative was supported by the Red Cross, the Catholic Church, and other institutions.

Another version of why Mother’s Day is celebrated in Mexico suggests that this celebration emerged in response to a feminist movement that began to gain momentum in Yucatán, during the government of Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

In the 17th century, England established “Mothering Sunday”; with the intention that everyone would visit their mothers, they were given the day off with their respective pay. In 1905, this celebration reached the United States and years later, Mexico.


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