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Mastercard: Innovation and Connection in Latin America – A Conversation with Carlos Quintero

In a world where digital transformation is rapidly advancing, brands face significant challenges and opportunities.

Latin America, with its diversity of markets and consumer behaviors, is an interesting ground for innovation. Carlos Quintero, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Integrated Communications at Mastercard for Latin America and the Caribbean, shares his vision of the future of marketing in the region and how the Priceless platform aims to impact the consumer experience.

From creating brand experiences that have redefined experiential marketing to committing to financial inclusion and digital security, Carlos Quintero offers us a comprehensive perspective on the present and future of Mastercard in Latin America. Under his leadership, the company is not only solidifying its presence but also actively contributing to transforming how people interact with brands and make payments in an increasingly digital world.

Challenges in a diverse region

Carlos Quintero took on his role less than a year ago, bringing with him extensive experience in mass consumer products at P&G. His main challenge in Latin America lies in the heterogeneity of the markets: “The region consists of 45 markets, each at different stages of development. In some, more than 70% of payments are still made in cash,” Quintero comments. Addressing this challenge requires tailored communication strategies for each market and solutions that adapt to local needs. But diversity not only implies challenges, it also offers great opportunities. One of Mastercard’s most powerful tools in the region is its experience platform, best known as Priceless. Through this strategy, the company manages to create connections with consumers by offering unique experiences that tap into their passions.

The power of multisensory marketing

In an environment where consumers are constantly bombarded with messages, Quintero emphasizes the importance of standing out: “Only one or two messages stick in the consumer’s mind at the end of the day.” To combat information saturation, Mastercard relies on multisensory marketing, leveraging experiences that involve not only sight but all the senses. This approach, combined with its Priceless platform, allows the brand to authentically connect with its consumers, both in the B2C and B2B sectors.

The legacy of Priceless

For more than 25 years, Priceless has been a cornerstone of Mastercard’s identity. Quintero sees it as much more than just a campaign: “Priceless means the importance of personal connections.” Under his leadership, this platform is evolving into a comprehensive strategy that remains aligned with consumers’ passions, from sporting events to social initiatives like Girls4Tech, which promote STEM education among girls.

A future beyond cash

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital payments in the region, and Mastercard is well-positioned to lead this transition. With innovations like Click to Pay and Tap on Phone, the company aims to make transactions safer and more convenient for consumers. Quintero emphasizes the importance of continuing to offer solutions that connect with people’s passions, whether through music, sports, or education.

With a blend of innovation, a focus on experience, and adaptability to the unique characteristics of each market, Mastercard continues to build a world beyond cash. As the region advances in its adoption of digital payments, it is clear that the Priceless platform will remain a central pillar in the brand’s strategy.

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