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Mastercard in Brazil launches campaign to reduce “invisibility” in women’s soccer

The sponsor of CONMEBOL Libertadores Feminina champioship features Duda Sampaio as the star and includes social media collaborations with athletes, influencers, and content creators as a concrete way to help female players gain more support for women in sports

If someone told you that one of Brazil’s greatest soccer players, a Silver Medalist in Paris, two-time Brazilian Champion, State Champion, 2024 Silver Ball winner, and CONMEBOL Libertadores Feminina Champion, spent over five hours in a sporting goods store without being recognized, would you believe it? That’s exactly what happened to Duda Sampaio, the star of Mastercard’s new campaign.

Committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in soccer, and reinforcing its commitment to the sport, Mastercard invited the player to star in the launch film of the campaign, which aims to highlight the fact that the recognition and visibility given to women is incomparably less than that afforded to male players.

“For over 25 years, Mastercard has been dedicated to promoting the advancement of women in sports, especially in soccer. Our focus is to recognize female athletes and increase the visibility of women’s soccer, contributing not only to gender equity in competitions but also to building a more inclusive, inspiring, and just society,” explains Taciana Lopes, Senior VP of Marketing and Communication at Mastercard in Brazil.

“We know what happens when a soccer idol decides to go out in public. But what about when that idol is a woman? This contrast, present at various levels in sports, reflects the disparity in recognition between genders and the importance of celebrating female players. We need to change this narrative. That’s why we decided to launch this campaign to increase the recognition of female athletes while also offering a concrete action to help them,” says Taciana.


Awareness and contribution

One of the pillars of the campaign will be raising awareness about the difference in attention female players receive in their daily lives and on social media, which is one of the factors that limits their recognition. The more followers a player has, the greater the chances of securing contracts, gaining recognition, and staying in the spotlight. Leveraging the CONMEBOL Libertadores Feminina as a platform, Mastercard is calling on the public to engage with the athletes on social media to help change this reality both on and off the field.

Throughout the championship, a series of collaborative content will be launched featuring influencers and players such as Fernanda Gentil, Yaya, Ketlen Wiggers, Marwa, along with content creator channels like “Esse Dia Foi Louco” and “Ele Não Disse Isso,” aiming to increase the recognition of female athletes. Additionally, a special initiative within the campaign will feature athletes from rival teams exchanging “biscoitos” (compliments), promoting and praising each other on social media, demonstrating that rivalry stays on the field. The campaign also includes media coverage on Record News TV, YouTube, and “Mulheres Positivas.”

As the sponsor of CONMEBOL Libertadores Feminina until 2026, the brand is seizing the opportunity to unite the nation’s passion for sports with an essential cause. The campaign, created by WMcCann, also features images of players Vitória Yaya and Ketlen Wiggers displayed in outdoor media across São Paulo, inviting consumers to recognize the athletes and follow them on social media, thereby increasing their visibility.

“We aimed to create an impactful action that highlights how female players can still be invisible to the public, even though they are major sports idols. By placing them in everyday situations, we reveal this disparity in recognition, and from there, the idea was to value and contribute to transforming this reality. We want to inspire people to see the talent and journey of all these professionals,” explains Alessandra Sadock, ECD at WMcCann.

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