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Marketing trends 2025: Millennials, Gen Z and the boom in social media shopping

Marketing trends for 2025 predict a boom in social media shopping among millennials and Generation Z


GoDaddy, one of the most famous companies in Internet domain registration and web hosting, revealed key data on how social media shopping is becoming a phenomenon poised to be a major trend in digital marketing for 2025.

The millennial and Gen Z generations are the key players in this trend, and platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok lead the social commerce market.

Why are millennials and Gen Z driving social media shopping?

According to the GoDaddy study, more than one in five consumers in the United States shop on social media weekly. Surprisingly, while TikTok and Instagram are popular among younger audiences, Facebook remains the dominant platform, especially among millennials.

Regarding this, the GoDaddy survey reveals the following:

  • 31% of Generation Z made purchases on Facebook in the last three months.
  • 52% of millennials also admitted to having shopped on the same platform.
  • Gen X and Boomers maintain a 35% presence in Facebook shopping, showcasing its relevance.

On the other hand, TikTok has established itself as the “king of Generation Z”, with 52% of young users having made purchases in the last three months, compared to 37% of millennials and just 12% of Gen X and Boomers.

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What are the favorite platforms for social media shopping?

The GoDaddy report revealed that the top three platforms are:

  1. Facebook
    • Millennials: 67% believe it is important for small businesses to have a presence here.
    • Gen Z: 49% still value Facebook, though TikTok and Instagram dominate their generation.
  2. Instagram
    • 61% of Generation Z expect businesses to be on Instagram.
    • Millennials: 49% also actively shop on this platform.
  3. TikTok
    • It is Generation Z’s favorite option for impulsive purchases.
    • 48% of Gen Z admit to making purchases at least once a month on TikTok.

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Are social media purchases impulsive?

Yes. According to GoDaddy, both Generation Z and millennials shop impulsively and frequently:

  • 62% of Gen Z and 56% of millennials shop on social media at least once a month.
  • 1 in 5 consumers make several purchases a week.
  • Only 9% of Generation Z and 12% of millennials plan their purchases in advance.

This trend presents enormous opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to stand out with call-to-action posts and direct marketing strategies.

What obstacles do social media purchases face?

Despite the rise of social media commerce, barriers still hinder purchases. According to the GoDaddy study, these are the main issues:

  1. Business legitimacy:
    • 47% of consumers do not purchase due to doubts about the seller’s authenticity.
  2. Shipping costs and times:
    • 46% of Gen Z and 47% of millennials cite high shipping costs and long delivery times as factors that deter interest.

Small businesses that provide transparent information, fast shipping, and secure payment options can overcome these barriers.

How can small businesses leverage marketing trends in 2025?

According to Amy Jennette, GoDaddy trends expert, small businesses must adopt a strategy that goes beyond a simple social media profile. Interactive and shoppable posts are key to capturing impulsive buyers, especially among younger generations.

“Consumers are actively shopping on social platforms in ways that may surprise small business owners,” she said.

She added: “Small businesses that have convenient, shoppable posts directly within a social platform will be a step ahead of the competition. Entrepreneurs need more than just a social profile; otherwise, they’re leaving money on the table.”

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How to improve your social media shopping strategy?

  • Maintain a presence on Facebook and Instagram, aligned with millennials’ and Gen Z’s expectations.
  • Create easy and secure shopping experiences directly within social media platforms.
  • Focus efforts on TikTok to capture Generation Z, leveraging their preference for visual and short content.


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