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Leap Year: Why are flowers given on February 29, and what does it mean?

Leap Year: Why are flowers given on February 29, and what does it mean?
Leap Year holds a special meaning. In search engines and social networks, a trend has emerged about why flowers are given on February 29

Leap Year holds a special meaning for many. In search engines and social networks, a trend has emerged about why flowers are given on February 29 and what the origin and meaning of this custom are.

February 29, a day that only occurs every four years, has become a special date to celebrate love and friendship with a unique detail: giving flowers.

The first thing to mention about giving flowers on February 29 is that it is one of the new traditions that have emerged on social networks, particularly on TikTok, where several videos circulate calling to give flowers to your partner on this date, as a way to show that you keep that loved one in mind.

Leap year, February 29 and Morat

One version of this new tradition of giving flowers on February 29 comes from a song by Morat.

The song “Cómo te atreves” by the Colombian band Morat includes the phrase “Two months and you forgot me. And you didn’t even think of me on February 29”. (Dos meses y me olvidaste. Y ni siquiera me pensaste un 29 de febrero, in spanish).

This phrase has created a strong connection between the song and February 29, a day that only occurs every four years.

The phrase “you didn’t even think of me on February 29” has become a popular reference for several reasons:

  • Humor: The phrase has a touch of ironic humor that makes it relatable for many people.
  • Nostalgia: February 29 is a day that evokes nostalgia for lost loves or opportunities that were not taken.
  • Romanticism: The idea of being remembered on such a special day as February 29 has a romantic touch that appeals to many people.

When is Yellow Flowers Day?

It should be noted that there are other dates that TikTokers have proposed as Yellow Flowers Day, which is celebrated every September 21.

READ ALSO. 29 Celebrities Born on the Leap Day, February 29

The Meaning of Yellow Flowers

The color yellow is associated with sunlight, positive energy, and vitality; it is also considered a symbol of affection and appreciation.

Some of the most popular flowers:

  • Yellow Roses: Yellow roses are a perfect choice to express joy and friendship.
  • Sunflowers: Sunflowers are the embodiment of joy and positivity. Their bright yellow color and sunny shape make them an ideal choice for Yellow Flowers Day.
  • Yellow Tulips: Yellow tulips represent unpretentious love and shared joy. They are a popular choice to express gratitude.
  • Yellow Lilies: Yellow lilies symbolize happiness and good luck. They are an excellent option to celebrate special moments.
  • Yellow Chrysanthemums: Yellow chrysanthemums are a symbol of enduring friendship and loyalty. They are a suitable choice to show appreciation towards a close friend.
  • Yellow Gerberas: They are a vibrant and cheerful option. They are ideal for brightening someone’s day and conveying optimism.



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