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Is it national flat white day? Why does Google dedicate the doodle?

Is it national flat white day? Why does Google dedicate the doodle?
Google dedicates today's doodle to flat white because on March 11 it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary

In a tribute to one of the most emblematic icons of coffee culture, Google dedicates today’s doodle to the flat white, a drink that, despite its simplicity, has conquered palates around the world.

Google’s doodle not only celebrates the inclusion of the term in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011 but also pays homage to its rich history and its cultural impact today.

History of the Flat White

The flat white, with its humble origins in the lands of Australia and New Zealand during the 1980s, represents much more than just a cup of coffee.

It is believed that it was in Sydney and Auckland where this exquisite drink made its first appearance on café menus, marking the beginning of a phenomenon that would go far beyond its borders.

flat white coffee cafe doodle 11 marzo google

What is?

This coffee is distinguished by its composition: a shot of espresso gently covered with steamed milk and a thin layer of microfoam, offering a “flatter” alternative compared to a cappuccino or latte, ideal for those who prefer less foam and more coffee flavor.


  • Flavor: Predominantly of coffee, with sweeter and creamier notes from the milk.
  • Texture: Velvety and smooth, without thick foam.
  • Size: Served in a small cup (approximately 150 ml).
  • Temperature: Ideally between 60°C and 65°C.

Differences with Latte

  • Milk: The flat white uses less milk than a latte, giving it a more intense coffee flavor.
  • Foam: The flat white has a thin layer of microfoam, while the latte has a thick layer of foam.
  • Flavor: The latte has a milkier taste than the flat white, with a sweeter touch.
  • Size: The latte is served in a larger cup (approximately 250 ml).

How it’s Prepared

Over time, the way to prepare a flat white has evolved, reflecting changes in consumer preferences and trends in coffee culture. Originally made with whole milk, nowadays it is common to find it prepared with plant-based milks, with oat milk being one of the favorite options among Australians and New Zealanders.

The popularity of the flat white has transcended borders, becoming a beloved drink and an essential element in cafés in numerous countries. Besides its delicious taste, the flat white has become a canvas for baristas, who seize the opportunity to demonstrate their artistic skills in milk pouring, creating impressive works of art in each cup.

This Google doodle not only celebrates the inclusion of the flat white in the global lexicon but also recognizes its role in uniting coffee lovers worldwide. Regardless of its origin, the flat white has established itself as a favorite choice to start the day or to enjoy a moment of relaxation in the afternoon, demonstrating that the love for a good coffee transcends cultures and borders.

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What is a Google Doodle?

Google doodles are creative, fun, and sometimes spontaneous variations of the Google logo, found on the search engine’s homepage. These special versions of the logo are used to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, the lives and achievements of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists, among other topics of cultural and social interest.


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