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Is Big Business Still Good? Key Insights from the 2024 Bentley-Gallup Report

The Bentley-Gallup report highlights that while Americans continue to recognize the positive impact of businesses on their lives

For the third consecutive year, the Bentley University-Gallup Business in Society Report reveals that the majority of Americans maintain a positive outlook on the role of businesses in their lives. However, this optimism comes with growing concerns, particularly around the environmental impact of businesses and the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Business’s Role in Society: A Mixed Outlook

According to the 2024 survey of 5,835 U.S. adults, 63% of Americans believe that businesses have either a somewhat positive (41%) or extremely positive (22%) influence on their daily lives. This figure remains steady from 2023 but shows a notable rise from 2022’s 55%. However, despite this positive perception, Americans remain skeptical about corporate performance in key areas like fair wages and mental health support.

Ethical Profit and Employee Benefits Are Top Priorities

When asked about the priorities for businesses, Americans place the highest emphasis on ethical practices and employee well-being. Nearly 79% believe businesses must prioritize making money in ethical ways, while 71% stress the importance of offering comprehensive healthcare benefits to employees. Despite these high expectations, less than half of Americans feel that businesses are excelling in these areas, highlighting a disconnect between corporate actions and public expectations.

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Declining Support for Political Involvement

Public opinion on corporate involvement in political matters continues to shift. Only 38% of Americans support businesses taking a public stance on current events, down from 41% in 2023 and 48% in 2022. Nevertheless, key issues like climate change (54%), mental health (53%), and diversity, equity, and inclusion (53%) still hold public interest. However, only 17% of respondents believe businesses should endorse political candidates, with many fearing that such endorsements could alienate potential customers.

The AI Dilemma: Distrust and Optimism

Artificial intelligence remains a contentious issue for most Americans. While concerns about the harm caused by AI have declined—from 40% in 2023 to 31% in 2024—Americans are still cautious. Three-quarters of respondents believe AI will lead to job losses over the next decade, and 77% express little trust in businesses to use AI responsibly. Despite these concerns, transparency in AI use could help reduce public anxiety, as 57% of Americans indicated that openness would ease their fears.

Understanding the Public’s Expectations

The Bentley-Gallup report highlights that while Americans continue to recognize the positive impact of businesses on their lives, they are equally vocal about areas that need improvement. Ethical profit-making, better employee benefits, and responsible AI use are at the forefront of public expectations, signaling that companies must be proactive in addressing these concerns to maintain trust and influence.

As businesses navigate these complex dynamics, the insights from this report can guide them in fostering more meaningful and sustainable relationships with consumers, employees, and society at large.


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