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How much does the FDA approved Njoy menthol vape cost?

The products approved include two NJOY ACE pods and two NJOY DAILY disposable e-cigarettes

Following a rigorous scientific evaluation, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted marketing approval to four menthol-flavored e-cigarette products through the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) pathway. This decision includes NJOY ACE Pod Menthol in 2.4% and 5% nicotine concentrations, along with NJOY DAILY Menthol at 4.5% and NJOY DAILY EXTRA Menthol at 6%. This marks a significant move as these are the first non-tobacco flavored e-cigarette products to receive FDA authorization.

Introduction to NJOY’s Newly Approved Products

The products approved include two NJOY ACE pods and two NJOY DAILY disposable e-cigarettes. Each product is sealed, pre-filled, and non-refillable, designed specifically to fit within the FDA’s stringent requirements for non-tobacco flavored vapor products. These products are intended to provide adult smokers with alternative options for nicotine consumption that do not involve the use of conventional tobacco products.


Among the newly authorized products, the NJOY ACE Pod Menthol 2.4% is particularly highlighted for its accessibility and affordability.

The product is priced at $9.99 per pod, making it a competitively priced option within the e-cigarette market. This pricing strategy is aligned with NJOY’s objective to provide adult smokers with cost-effective alternatives to traditional cigarettes.

Background and Significance of FDA’s Approval

This authorization by the FDA does not declare these products safe but rather indicates that they can be marketed legally in the U.S. Each product’s approval was based on evidence that it could benefit public health by providing a less harmful alternative for cigarette smokers. The authorization process is a testament to the stringent standards and comprehensive review conducted by the FDA to ensure that the marketing of these products aligns with public health priorities.

Despite the approval, the FDA remains vigilant about the risks associated with e-cigarette use, especially among youth. The appeal of flavored e-cigarettes to younger demographics is a significant concern, prompting the FDA to impose strict marketing restrictions to minimize youth access and exposure. The agency will continue to monitor the market impact of these products closely and may adjust regulatory measures based on evolving public health data.

Market Impact and Industry Response

The authorization of NJOY’s menthol e-cigarettes is part of a broader industry trend where companies are increasingly investing in alternative nicotine delivery systems as consumer preferences shift away from traditional tobacco products. The acquisition of NJOY by Altria in March 2023 for $2.75 billion underscores the significant market potential that these alternative products hold.

The FDA’s decision to authorize NJOY’s menthol vape products represents a critical step in the ongoing efforts to provide safer nicotine consumption alternatives.

As the market for e-cigarettes continues to evolve, regulatory oversight will be crucial in balancing public health objectives with consumer and industry interests. The ongoing scientific review and monitoring by the FDA will play a vital role in shaping the future landscape of e-cigarette products and their impact on public health.




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