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Heineken creates personalized labels with AI to celebrate its 150 years

Longevity and global presence can lead to fascinating local adaptations. Heineken, the world’s most renowned beer with over 150 years of existence and a presence in 192 countries, understands this phenomenon all too well. The brand recognizes that various locales may refer to, write, or even enjoy their beer differently. Despite this, Heineken’s focus remains on continuing to accompany people during their best moments.


Embracing Authenticity with #He150ken

With the #He150ken campaign, Heineken seeks to embrace and highlight its belief that what matters most is not how its name is said or written, but how it is genuinely and originally enjoyed. The campaign invites everyone to join this grand celebration. According to Rosa María Treviño, brand manager of Heineken, each adaptation of the brand’s name, from the iconic “Heineken” to variations like “Eineken” or “Jainekin,” is an expression of consumers’ passion and enthusiasm for this iconic beer. Whether enjoyed with chili, lime, and salt, or in a margarita, what truly matters is the celebration of 150 years of good times.


Personalized Bottles and Experiences

To involve its consumers in this exceptional celebration, Heineken introduces the opportunity to exclusively personalize a bottle with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Through a personality-highlighting questionnaire, consumers can modify the label of their bottle and customize it with the name they desire. This unique design can be shared on social media, and consumers can acquire it for just $150.00 MXN until the end of August through the provided link.

Moreover, the brand offers top-tier experiences with all expenses paid, including Fórmula 1, UEFA Champions League, Heineken Silver Live Out 2023, and other world-class festivals. Consumers can participate in these experiences by simply scanning their Heineken purchase receipts to accumulate points. Each event requires a minimum number of points, and the more points accumulated, the higher the chances of winning these unforgettable experiences.


Heineken’s Global and Local Impact

Aside from being a pioneer in creative and impactful global and local advertising, Heineken demonstrates a commitment to sustainability. The brand has implemented significant initiatives to reduce its environmental footprint and promote responsible practices through its association with HEINEKEN México.

Furthermore, Heineken has been a crucial partner in high-profile sporting events such as UEFA Champions League since 1994 and, since 2016, Fórmula 1. Creating unforgettable experiences for football and racing fans worldwide.


Celebrate Heineken’s 150 Years

As Heineken commemorates 150 years of history, the celebration showcases the brand’s dedication to quality, adaptability, and, most importantly, its commitment to creating memorable moments. Join in the experience and share your best moments to celebrate together, tagging #He150ken, @Heineken_MX. It’s an invitation to revel in every occasion, have fun, and celebrate life to the fullest, a toast to 150 years of good times.


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