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Goodbye Google? This is how Generation Z gets informed

Understanding Generation Z is key for any brand that wants to remain relevant in the years to come


The Generation Z has completely redefined the way information is accessed, consumed, and shared. A recent Statista study titled “Generation Z in the Era of Digital Information” highlights key trends of this hyperconnected generation.

From their preference for social media as search engines to their skepticism towards brands and the use of artificial intelligence in their daily lives, the report provides a detailed overview of their digital habits.

What does Generation Z consume on the internet?

Unlike previous generations that relied on television or print media for information, Generation Z has grown up in a digital ecosystem where social media and short-form audiovisual content take priority. Some of the most relevant findings from the study include:

  • Gaming and non-premium video lead their media consumption. 23% of their entertainment time is dedicated to video games, while 19% is spent watching videos on platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
  • Television and traditional media have lost relevance. Only 17% of young people aged 13 to 24 still watch TV regularly.
  • Personalized content is key. Social media algorithms ensure they only consume what truly interests them, making it difficult for brands that fail to capture their attention immediately.

This phenomenon has forced digital marketing strategies to adapt to an environment where young people have complete control over what content they consume and reject.

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Generation Z distrusts brands and prefers influencers

One of the most highlighted points in the report is Generation Z’s low trust in brands and their strong inclination towards recommendations from influencers and content creators. Some key insights include:

  • Influencers are considered reliable sources. 46% of young people prefer to get information from social media content creators rather than traditional media.
  • Brands must align with social causes. Sustainability, fair trade, and diversity are key factors in their purchasing decisions.
  • High skepticism towards corporations. They prefer small and emerging brands over large corporations.

For brands, this means that connecting with Generation Z requires genuine transparency, social responsibility, and building authentic relationships through digital channels.

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Where does Generation Z search for information? TikTok surpasses Google

The study reveals a shift in how this generation accesses information. While Google previously dominated searches, social media has now overtaken traditional search engines in terms of user preference.

  • 46% of young people search on social media first before turning to Google.
  • TikTok is the leading platform for discovering products, fashion, and trends.
  • Google searches remain relevant for complex topics like finance, technology, and education.

This shift means that SEO strategies must expand to social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, as young consumers turn to these for product and brand information.

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How does Generation Z consume news?

The report also highlights a shift in how young people consume news:

  • 60% of young people aged 18 to 24 get their news from social media.
  • TV and newspapers have been displaced. Preference for traditional media is minimal.
  • News fatigue and disinterest. A significant proportion of young people avoid news, considering it negative or irrelevant.

To attract Generation Z, news media must adapt their content to digital formats and make it more engaging, interactive, and relevant.

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Artificial intelligence, information search, and Generation Z

Although Generation Z has integrated artificial intelligence into their daily lives, its use remains complementary and does not fully replace traditional sources of information. Key findings from the study include:

  • 66% use AI for writing texts and school assignments.
  • 53% use AI to search for information but still prefer results verified by humans.
  • They have reservations about AI accuracy in news. They believe AI-generated articles should be reviewed by journalists.

This suggests that AI is seen as a support tool but has not yet completely replaced traditional search engines or news media.


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