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Getty Images Launches AI-Powered Image Generator with Commercial Confidence

Getty Images has announced the release of Getty Images’ Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence). This innovative tool seamlessly combines Getty Images’ top-notch creative content with cutting-edge AI technology, resulting in a commercially secure AI image generator.

Getty Images’ Generative AI has been trained using the latest-generation Edify model architecture, part of NVIDIA Picasso, a foundation for generative AI models in visual design. The tool is exclusively trained from Getty Images’ extensive creative library, encompassing top-quality exclusive content, all with full indemnification for commercial use. Complementing their already robust and industry-leading offering, Getty Images’ Generative Artificial Intelligence seamlessly integrates with the company’s extensive collection of authentic and compelling visual content. It also complements their Custom Content offering, allowing all clients to streamline the entire creative process, finding the right visual content for any need.

“We are thrilled to launch a tool harnessing the power of generative AI to meet our clients’ commercial needs while simultaneously respecting creators’ intellectual property,” stated Craig Peters, CEO of Getty Images. “We have worked diligently to develop a responsible tool that instills confidence in users for AI-generated images for commercial purposes.”

Clients who create and download images through the tool will receive a standard royalty-free license from Getty Images. This includes statements and warranties, unlimited indemnification, and the right to use the content worldwide in perpetuity across all media, without exclusivity. The content generated through the tool will not be added to Getty Images’ and/or iStock’s existing content libraries. Furthermore, contributors will be compensated for the inclusion of their content in the underlying training datasets.

“We have listened to our clients discussing the rapid growth of generative AI, and we have heard both excitement and apprehension. We have been deliberate in how we developed our own tool,” commented Grant Farhall, Chief Product Officer of Getty Images. “We have created a service that enables brands and marketing professionals to confidently embrace AI and expand their creative possibilities while compensating creators for the inclusion of their content in the underlying training sets.”

Getty Images’ Generative AI is now accessible on Clients can also choose to integrate the service into their existing workflows and applications through an available API.

Additionally, clients will soon have the capability to customize Getty Images’ Generative Artificial Intelligence with their proprietary data to produce images reflecting their brand’s unique style and language. This and other service enhancements will be introduced later this year. Currently, the tool is available only in English, with expansion into other supported languages, including Spanish, planned in subsequent phases.

For more information about Getty Images’ Generative AI and access details, as well as Getty Images’ stance on responsible AI practices, click here.


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