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Goodbye Bard, Hello Gemini: How Google is Taking on ChatGPT with its Smartest AI Conversation Agent

After the failed attempt to present Bard as a rival to ChatGPT earlier this year, Google has decided to give its conversational artificial intelligence engine a boost. What was previously known as Bard will now be called Gemini.

What is Gemini?

It is basically the new public face of Google’s AI. With Gemini, all the collaborative functions that you already knew and loved about Bard are retained. However, Google has improved the user interface to make it cleaner, increase readability and simplify navigation.

The name change is not arbitrary. It reflects Google’s commitment to providing direct access to its powerful AI for all users, regardless of country or language. Gemini is available in over 150 countries and in multiple languages.

What is Gemini Advance and how does it work?

The highlight is Gemini Advanced, a premium version that provides access to Ultra 1.0, the most advanced AI model developed by Google to date. What can Ultra 1.0 do? Much more complex tasks like programming, logical reasoning or following detailed instructions. Ideal for creative or technical projects.

For launch, Google offers two free months of AI Premium, which will cost $19.99 USD per month.

Gemini prices


Gemini Advanced continues to grow and over the next few months it will incorporate new features such as expanded multimodal capabilities, developer tools and options for uploading and analyzing all kinds of files and data.

Additionally, Google is integrating AI into popular apps like Gmail, Maps and YouTube so you can interact via text, voice or images directly from your mobile. The idea is to offer the most useful AI assistant in the world.

What about privacy in Gemini?

As mentioned by Google on its Gemini page, the automatic language learning technology improves through human reviewers, allowing conversations to be processed and optimized. So Gemini urges users not to share personal conversations or confidential data:

By simply having a conversation with Gemini, you are improving Google services, including the machine learning models used by Gemini.

To achieve this improvement, specialist reviewers need to process your conversations.

Therefore, when using Gemini, do not enter anything that you do not want a reviewer to see or Google to use.

Your Google Workspace content such as Gmail or Drive is not reviewed or used to improve Gemini.

You can disable Activity in Gemini apps. If you do not want future conversations to be reviewed or used to improve machine learning models, disable the Activity setting in Gemini apps.

As you can see, Google is once again at the forefront of innovation in conversational artificial intelligence. This new identity reflects a firm commitment to lead the sector. And best of all, anyone can access this technology and be part of the AI revolution.


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