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FIAP 2023: 32 Golds Awarded to Ibero-American Creativity

The 52nd edition of the Ibero-American Creativity Festival (FIAP 2023), proudly sponsored by Rappi, has concluded with an exhilarating announcement of its winners. Following days of intense and meticulous evaluation, the presidents of the jury for each festival discipline (Formats, Innovation, Ads, and Production) have made their decisions, awarding 180 entries with coveted metals. These entries stand as a testament to the pinnacle of creative and disruptive advertising in the region.

The breakdown of accolades includes 32 gold, 56 silver, and 92 bronze medals, alongside the prestigious Gran Sol awards, underscoring Ibero-America’s stature as a global creative powerhouse.

Formats: Pushing Boundaries in Advertising

In the Formats discipline, sponsored by Adsmovil and presided over by Mónica Moro, Founder and Creative Director of This is Libre in Spain, eight gold, 11 silver, and 20 bronze awards were granted. The Gran Sol de Iberoamérica was bestowed upon “Earth4,” a compelling campaign developed by AlmapBBDO for the United Nations Global Compact & B3 Stock Exchange.

Innovation: The Vanguard of Creative Thinking

The Innovation discipline, led by the CEO of VMLY&R México, Héctor Fernández, recognized 44 entries with 9 gold, 11 silver, and 24 bronze awards. The Gran Sol in this category was claimed by “Samsung Unfear,” an initiative created by Cheil Spain for Samsung, lauded for its disruption, technical richness, and resourcefulness. Kellogg’s proudly sponsored this innovative category.

Advs: Unleashing Creative Excellence

Luis Miguel Messianu, founder, president, and CCO of MEL, and his judging team, awarded 69 entries in the Ads discipline, sponsored by Ariadna Communications Group, with 11 gold, 24 silver, and 34 bronze medals. The Gran Sol de Iberoamérica was rightfully earned by “Redesigning for E-nclusion,” a remarkable project by Fahrenheit DDB Perú for Supermercados Peruanos. This groundbreaking effort facilitated e-commerce in the remotest corners of the country.

Production: Honoring Artistic Mastery

In the Production discipline, chaired by Felipe Mansur, partner and director of AliceFilms, 29 entries were honored with 4 gold, 11 silver, and 14 bronze awards. The Gran Sol de Iberoamérica in this category was reserved for the music video “This Is Not America – Residente ft Ibeyi.” Produced by Mastodonte TV, it captivated the global audience with its rawness and impeccable execution, leaving an indelible mark in history. Hogarth was the proud sponsor of this discipline.

The festivities culminate with an exclusive in-person gala during Advertising Week LatAm, hosted at the prestigious Papalote Children’s Museum in Mexico City on November 1st. This unique experience will witness the presentation of Grandes Soles de Iberoamérica, the Hall of Fame, and eagerly anticipated annual awards: Agency of the Year, Independent Agency of the Year, Network of the Year, Advertiser of the Year, and Production Company of the Year. The celebration promises to be a fitting tribute to the outstanding achievements in Ibero-American creativity.


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