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Facebook’s New Group Features for Members To Stay Safe and Easily Connect

Facebook New Group FeaturesGroups are one of Facebook’s most valuable assets.  But they can be an avenue for societal problems. Facebook has been coming up with new group features to either make it easy for admins to manage the groups or for potential members to find and participate in groups they are interested in. 

For a while, Facebook has been concerned about the increased abuse of the Facebook group feature. People have used groups to spread hate and misinformation. To manage such vices, Facebook has introduced new group features to optimize user networks for smaller settings. 

Admins can now use the newly launched Facebook Groups features to ensure community safety, manage user interactions and minimize misinformation. Additionally, admins decline incoming suspicious or misinforming content from third-party checkers automatically. 

Here are the new features giving more control to admins over their communities and protecting Facebook groups from people who intend to take advantage of them.


New Facebook Group Features

The Channel Feature

An admin can establish these “channels” to connect a group more casually in its respective community to enhance narrowed-down discussions. 


This feature allows admins to create a space where members can connect and interact in smaller, more focused groups.

An admin can create three kinds of channels: chat, feed, and audio:

With chat channels, users can text, collaborate and discuss specific topics in real-time across a group or Messenger. The admin has control over chat channel naming and whom to invite. Any user joining a chat can send messages and also get notifications. However, they must rejoin whenever a conversation is complete, and a user has been inactive. 

An admin can also create a community feed channel for discussion on group topics whereby members can connect for specific member interests. Members can always receive feed channel suggestions in their group. 

The third option is the Community audio channel that allows members and admins to create, join, leave and listen to real-time audio conversations. Additionally, a user can switch from audio to video. 


The Side Bar Feature

Another remarkable feature is the sidebar currently under the pilot stage. It will help users locate their groups faster on the platform.

The sidebar lists all the groups and user-specific most recent activities, including what user frequently accesses and their new posts. The user can pin favorite groups to the sidebar to display them at the top.


The New Menu

All the new groups will have a menu displaying available channels, events, and shops for easy networking per the user’s favorite topics.


Other Facebook Group Features Strengthening Online Communities

Towards the end of 2021, Facebook launched features that would see groups build stronger online communities. The features empower admins to take more control of some user experience customization. The 2021 Facebook Communities Summit improved admin access and user control options. 

  • Group customization: an admin can manipulate group colors, fonts, background, and emoticon reactions.  
  • Ability to choose formats: an admin chooses group formats for users to use when posting in the group. 
  • Greeting message: they can set a special welcome note for any new member to see if they have joined the group. 
  • Meta subgroups: Facebook is piloting the admin ability to develop subgroups revolving around particular topics. 
  • Community chats: members can connect with others via Messenger or Facebook. 
  • Recurring online events: they can establish regular events for other members to access off- or online. 
  • Facebook community Awards: This feature allows members to award each other virtually, especially for incredible group contributions. 

Managing an online Facebook community is easier now. Facebook has unveiled reliable tools that allow efficient admins control and management;

  • Pinning announcements: they just pin to the top of the group page and use their prioritization to order the announcement appearance. 
  • Customized suggestions: The Admin Assist tool lets an admin gives recommendations on inappropriate content and the type of criteria to add. 
  • Internal chats: admins can collaborate with moderators to create exclusive group chats.

How about an admin dealing with Facebook tools that help admins create fundraisers and monetization schemes? 

  • Fundraising: an admin can establish group community fundraiser projects, let’s say, to cover group maintenance costs. 
  • Online shops: an admin can sell merchandise if they have a particular group shop. 
  • Premium membership: the admin may come up with paid subgroups whereby subscription costs a given amount. 



Facebook groups are valuable assets, and the company is always looking for ways to give its group users a better experience while protecting them from online predators. 

With the new features, admins have more control compared to the past. Admins can help Meta minimize misinformation, disinformation, scam, obscenities, and other online vices.


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