Costco will open 6 new stores in the United States! We tell you where they will be

With the upcoming opening of these six new stores, Costco would exceed 900 branches located around the world

Costco will open 6 new stores in the United States! We tell you where they will be

Costco announced the opening of 29 stores worldwide, six of which will be in the United States. If you’re a frequent customer of these warehouses, we’ll tell you where the new branches will be located and when they will start operating.

When will Costco open new stores in the United States?

The company plans for the six new branches to begin operating in the U.S. in early March 2025.

Where will the new Costco stores be in the United States?

According to the company’s announcement, these will be the locations of the new stores, along with their potential opening dates:

  • Sharon, Mass (March 1)
  • Brentwood, California (March 7)
  • Highland, California (March 8)
  • Genesee County, Michigan (March 13)
  • Prosper, Texas (March 14)
  • Weatherford, Texas (March 15)

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Costco will open new stores in April

In addition to the stores opening in the United States, Costco also plans to open new branches in other parts of the world, expected to begin operating in April.

  • Minami Alps, Japan
  • Ardeer, Australia
  • Stuart, Florida

How many Costco branches are there in the United States?

Currently, the company has 897 stores worldwide, 617 of which are located in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. With the opening of six new locations in the U.S., the total number of branches will reach 903.

The company is also present in Canada (109), Mexico (41), Japan (36), the United Kingdom (29), Korea (19), Australia (15), Taiwan (14), China (7), Spain (5), France (2), and one store each in Iceland, New Zealand, and Sweden.

What types of memberships does Costco offer?

Gold Star Membership

This membership is ideal for those who shop occasionally, as it comes with a more affordable annual fee. It also includes the following benefits:

  • Access to the warehouse
  • Access to Costco gas stations
  • Free household card
  • Access to Costco services, such as car and home insurance, Costco Auto Program, pet insurance, and bottled water delivery.

Executive Membership

This membership offers a 2% annual reward, along with exclusive discounts and promotions. The benefits include:

  • All the benefits of Gold Star
  • 2% annual reward on qualifying purchases
  • Free household card
  • Access to Costco services with discounts on selected services

How much do Costco memberships cost?

  • Gold Star Membership: $65 per year
  • Executive Membership: $130 per year

How can I get a Costco membership?

You can obtain your membership online through Costco’s official website or by applying directly at any warehouse. You can also request a digital membership, but for that, you must have your membership registered for online purchases and the app installed on your mobile device.

To activate your digital membership, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Download the app: Get the latest version from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
  2. Log in: Open the app, select “My Account,” and log in with your details. If you don’t have an account, click “Sign Up Now” and follow the steps to create one.
  3. Access Digital Membership: Go to “My Account” and select “Get it today and activate in-store! Digital Membership.” Then, read and accept the terms and conditions.
  4. Take your photo: Follow the instructions to take a photo that meets the guidelines. If you’re satisfied, select “Use this photo,” or choose “Take another photo” to change it.
  5. Check the status: From “My Account,” you will see your Digital Membership in red with the “Pending” label.
  6. Activate your membership: To activate it, you must go to the membership counter of any warehouse with an official ID. You will be asked for additional information, such as your phone number, operating system, device brand and model, and service provider.
  7. Update the app: Once your Digital Membership is activated, restart the app on your device so that it updates and becomes usable.

Can I shop at Costco without a membership?

To shop at any Costco warehouse, you must be a member. However, non-members can purchase prescription medications and shop with a gift card.


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