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Paid Video on YouTube Attacks Claudia Sheinbaum with Offensive Gesture

Opposition Party's YouTube Paid Video Goes Viral as They Attack Claudia Sheinbaum with Obscene Gesture.

While many have praised Claudia Sheinbaum for her progressive policies and efforts to address environmental and social issues, others have raised concerns about her ability to effectively lead the country if she were to become president.

Critics have targeted Sheinbaum’s handling of the capital’s subway system after an elevated section collapsed in May 2021, causing 26 deaths and injuring nearly 100 people. She has also faced scrutiny for her ties to Mexico’s current leftist populist president.

In addition, opponents of Sheinbaum have accused her of self-promotion through a government program that provides 1.2 million students with monthly payments for education. Some politicians have also criticized her for campaigning three years early, arguing that this violates electoral rules that ensure a level playing field for all candidates.

Recently, the opposition party “Movimiento Ciudadano” released a promotional video on YouTube titled “La CDMX no tiene jefa” (Mexico City has no chief). The video cleverly plays with words to suggest that the city lacks direction under the leadership of the current Jefa de Gobierno.

The party used the melody of a famous song from El Tri, “Las piedras rodando se encuentran,” to attack Claudia Sheinbaum, and in an offensive manner, they made an obscene gesture commonly known as the “f*ck you” sign in Mexico.


While some may find this action amusing, it’s important to remember that unauthorized modification of song lyrics without the copyright owner’s permission is not legal and creates a derivative work.

The copyright owner has the exclusive right to authorize derivative works, and any unauthorized use of the song without permission can result in legal action. To avoid potential legal issues, it is crucial that the party obtains permission from El Tri before modifying song lyrics, especially for commercial purposes.

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