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Christian Rätsch appointed as CEO of BBDO Group Germany

Christian Rätsch has been appointed as the new CEO of BBDO Group Germany, effective from April 2023.

He will have overall responsibility for the BBDO Group’s agencies in Germany and will also be a member of the board of BBDO worldwide. Rätsch joins BBDO from the Publicis Group, where he has led the agency brand Saatchi & Saatchi for the past ten years, and has been responsible for Leo Burnett since 2020, as well as being a member of the Group’s Country Leadership Team. Under his leadership, Publicis creative agencies have won numerous awards, including “Agency of the Year”. Prior to this, Rätsch spent ten years on the corporate side at Deutsche Telekom, where he was responsible for various areas of marketing and sales.

With his appointment as CEO of the BBDO Group, Rätsch returns to his professional roots, as he started his career in 2000 as a strategic consultant at BBDO Consulting (now Batten & Company). He has four children, lives in Dusseldorf, is strongly committed to the interests of the creative industry, and plays an active role in industry associations.

Commenting on his appointment, Rätsch said that he looks forward to working with the talented and versatile teams of the BBDO Group across Germany and the global network. He added that returning at Group level fills him with pride and the necessary respect for the great task ahead.

Rätsch succeeds Marianne Heiss, who has been CEO of the BBDO Group Germany since 2019 and has overseen the successful transformation of the Group over the past years. After a total of 27 years in various national and international management positions at BBDO, Heiss is leaving the group at her own request to take on a new role while continuing to serve on several supervisory boards in Germany.

Andrew Robertson, President and CEO of BBDO Worldwide, said he is delighted to welcome Rätsch back to BBDO. He added that since Rätsch left the company as a consultant, he has gained valuable experience and proven himself in client and agency management roles. Robertson said that under Rätsch’s leadership, he is convinced the Group will build on the momentum that has been established and thrive in the future. Robertson also thanked Heiss for her wonderful work in getting the Group to where it is and wished her every success in her new role.

Heiss said that she is delighted that the BBDO Group has found such a versatile and experienced personality in Rätsch. She added that Rätsch is a wonderful colleague whom she has known and respected for many years. Heiss said that she and Rätsch will be using the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition.

Rätsch will lead the Group together with Frank Hahn, Chief Creative Officer, and Jasper Stahl, Chief Financial Officer.

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