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Avocados from Mexico celebrates 10 Years of innovation in the produce industry

Avocados From Mexico, the leading avocado brand in the U.S., is commemorating its 10th anniversary with a look back at the profound impact it has had on the produce marketing industry

Over the past decade, Avocados From Mexico has transformed the avocado landscape, achieving remarkable milestones and innovative breakthroughs that have solidified its position as a world-class marketer and innovation powerhouse.

Over the years, Avocados From Mexico has consistently embodied its core values of being always good, always good for you, fun, and delicious. This commitment has translated into a series of transformative accomplishments:

Brand Preference Soars: Avocados From Mexico has become the preferred brand of avocados in the U.S., nearly tripling brand preference to over 50%.

Big Game Advertising: In 2015, the brand made history by becoming the first produce brand to advertise during the Big Game, showcasing the synergy between avocados and football season.

Innovative Recognition: In 2020, the brand was recognized as one of the “100 Best Workplaces for Innovators” by FastCompany, and in 2021, it ranked #1 in FastCompany’s “Most Innovative Companies in the World” in the branding category.

Market Dominance: Avocados From Mexico has more than doubled the U.S. avocado market, with eight out of 10 avocados in the U.S. originating from Mexico.

Economic Impact: The brand has strengthened the economic ties between the U.S. and Mexico, resulting in a more than 500% increase in the U.S. economic output of imported avocados from Mexico, with U.S. GDP increasing fivefold to over $6.1 billion annually.

Shopper Marketing Redefined: Avocados From Mexico revolutionized shopper marketing, achieving growth in household penetration by adding six million new households and a 19% increase in purchase frequency.

Avocado Education: The brand educated U.S. foodservice operators and retailer partners through Avocado University, the first and only certified avocado education program.

Menu Freshening: Avocados From Mexico rejuvenated menus with avocados, witnessing a 20% growth in foodservice market share and menu penetration.

As Avocados From Mexico celebrates its 10th anniversary, President and CEO Alvaro Luque expressed his pride in the brand’s accomplishments and looked ahead to a promising future. He stated, “This anniversary is a major milestone for Avocados From Mexico. We are celebrating 10 years of goodness, growth, innovation, and fun. I’m so proud of all we have done, and I truly can’t wait to see what we can accomplish next.”

For a decade, Avocados From Mexico has been a symbol of goodness, benefiting consumers, retailers, and the environment. By bringing high-quality, nutritious avocados to tables across the nation and supporting retailers with innovative marketing, the brand continues to make a positive impact. The commitment to embedding sustainable practices into the avocado industry remains unwavering, ensuring a bright future for the brand and all those it touches.

As Avocados From Mexico commemorates this milestone, it not only reflects on a remarkable past but also looks forward to an even more exciting future, one that promises to be as fruitful and innovative as the past 10 years.

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